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Local History and Genealogy

Clipping File

The Pamphlet File is where we house the large newspaper clipping files on Worcester area subjects. Almost all the items are from the Worcester Telegram and Evening Gazette and cover the time period from about 1960 to 2015. While there are clippings from before 1960, the coverage is somewhat sparse. All items should be dated and indicate which newspaper they were taken from.

The number of items in each folder varies widely. Some topics may have only one clipping while others may fill 2 or 3 folders. The only entry to the files is by subject. Where possible, the most direct heading is used, i.e., a company name, a college, an organization. Some subjects work better with indirect headings, such as, Congregational Churches--church name; Schools--Elementary--school name.

The collection contains materials that were judged to be of lasting interest but this is subjective and may not reflect what is needed in the future. It is a best guess for the period of the newspaper that is not indexed.

From 1989 to the present, the newspaper is available, fully indexed for locally produced stories, as part of the "Newsbank Collection". Coverage in the Pamphlet Files is consequently less complete from that date on.

Aarctic Manufacturing
Abbot BioResearch Center
Abby’s House
A.C. Technology Corp.
ACA Corp
ACT Manufacturing
ADT Security Systems
A&M Models
A.&P. Food Stores
A.M.E. Zion Church
ATF Davidson Company
Able Mortgage Co
Abortion-see also birth control
Abrasives and Tools, Inc (Auburn)
Accidents- 1950-present-
Accord Railroad Constructors
Accountant Clubs
Accounting Companies
Accutrak Tool Co.
Acid Rain
Acme Pre-Pak corp.
Acromatic Plastics
Adams Farm
Adams Printing, Inc (Templeton)
Adcare Hospital
Administrative Management Society
AdPro of Worcester, Inc.
Adult Day Care
Adult Education
Adult Education Association
Adult Foster Care
Advance Cell Technology Inc.
Advance Plating Corp.
Advance Supply Co.
Advanced InterConnect Inc.
Advanced RISC Corp.
Advent Christian Church
Advertising Agencies
Advertising Club of Worcester
Aercor Co.
Aero Housewares
Aetna Life & Casualty Co.
Affirmative Action (Worcester) - see Equal Opportunity
Affordable Windows and Doors
African Americans
Age Center
Aged - Housing (public and Private)
Aid for Children
AIDS - see Health -AIDS
AIM Welding Supply
Air Frame Inspection, Inc.
Air Pollution - see also Pollution
Airport (others)
Airport Industrial Park
AIS Inc. (Hudson)
Al Bums
Albright Tech
Alcohol and Driving
Alcohol and Youth
Alcohol Planning Consortium of Greater Worcester, Inc.
Alcoholism Council of Greater Worcester
Alden Business School
Alden Electronics Companies (Westboro)
Alden Research Laboratory
Alden Trust
Aldrich Astronomical Society
Aletheia Club
Aletheia Grotto
Alhambra, International Order of
Alhuda Acadamy
All America City
All State Lighting Mfg. Co.
Allegro MicroSystems
Charles G. Allen Co.
William Allen & Son’s Co.
Alliance for Education
Allied Manufacturing Co.
Allied Services, Inc.
Allmerica Financial - see State Mutual Life Insurance Co.
ALPA Chatin Association for Progress and Action
Alpha-Beta Technology Inc.
Alside Inc. (Northbridge)
Alternative Group Inc.
Alternative School - see Schools - Alternative School
Alternatives Unlimited
Altrusa Club
Alumni Clubs
Alvin Products
Amarin Plastics (Leominster)
Ambulance Service
American Antiquarian Society
American Association of Retired Persons
American Association of University Women
American Automobile Association of South Central New England
American Automobile Repossession Services
American Bank Stationary Co. (Auburn)
American Business Women
American Cancer Society
American Card Clothing Co.
American Chemical Society, Central Massachusetts Section
American Civil Liberties Union
American Disposables Inc.
American District Telegraph Co.
American Fabricating Corp.
American Hanger Inc.-
American Humanist Association
American Industrial and Medical Products
American Institute of Banking, Worcester Chapter
American Institute of Industrial Engineering
American Legion Clubs
American Linen Supply
American Meat Packing Co.
American Metal Products (Auburn)
American Optical Co. (Southbridge)
American Personnel and Guidance Association; Worcester County Chapter
American Polymers Inc.
American Power Systems Corp.
American Pressed Metal Inc.
American Production and Inventory Control Society, Worcester Co. Chapter
American Professionals for Youth Inc.
American Red Cross - see Red Cross, Worcester Chapter
American Screw & Barrel Co.
American Society for Metals
American Society for Quality Control
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Insurance Management, Central Massachusetts Chapter
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Society of Safety Engineers, Worcester Chapter
American Society of Tool Engineers
American Steel & Wire Co.
American Superconductor Corp.
American Supply Co.
American Tissue Mills of Massachusetts
American Welding Society, Worcester Section
Americans for Self-Help
Americorps - see Peace Corps, etc.
Ames Department Store
Amnesty International
Amoco Chemical Co.
Amoco Container Co.
Amorello and Sons
Amorello Recycling
Anacom Data Services
Anderson Little Co.
Anderson Moran Trailer & Equipment Co.
Anderson Products, Div. Wilton Corp.
Andover Institute of Business - see Alden Business School
Andrew's Furniture Co.
Androck Inc. - see Washburn Co.
Androform Industries, Inc. - see Wyman Gordon Co.
Angelo Roncalli Center
Anglo Fabrics Co.
Animal Farms
Animal Hospitals
Animal Officers
Animal Rescue League - see Worcester Animal Rescue League
Anker House
Anna Maria College
Anniversary (250th)
Antell Engineering Co. (Spencer)
Anti-defamation League
Antigen Express Inc
Anti-draft - see Military Service
Anti-militarism - see Protest Groups
Anti-nuclear Power - see Protest Groups
Anti-nuclear Weapons - see Protest Groups
Anwelt Corp. (Fitchburg)
Apartments - Conway Gardens
Apartments - East View
Apartments - Lincoln Village
Apartments - Mountain Village
Apartments - Plumley Village
Apartments - Redwood Hills
Apartments - Royal Worcester
Apartments - Washington Heights
Apothecary Medical Supply
Appalachian Mountain Club, Worcester Chapter
Appeals Board - see also Zoning
Apple Computer Inc.
Applied Fiberoptics Corp. (Southbridge)
Applied Plastic Technologies, Inc.
Applix (Southboro)
Apportionment - see Election Districts
Aquarium Clubs
Aquila BioPharmaceuticals
Arab Clubs
Arcade Malleable Iron Co.
Arch Communications Group
Archaeology Clubs
Architectural Woodworking Co.
Architecture - see also Historic places
Archway, Inc.
Ardent Software Inc.
Ardmore Inc.
Arduini Manufacturing Co.
Area Health Education Center
Aristo – Craft
Armed Forces of Worcester County Association
Armenian Apostolic Church of Our Savior
Armenian Apostolic Holy Trinity Church
Armenian Church of Martyrs
Armenian Clubs
Armeno Cereal Co. (Northboro)
Armories - see U.S. Armed Forces
Armour & Co.
Armour Electronic Corp.
Armour Grocery Products Co.
Armour-Porter Co.
Arnold Coat Co.
Arnold's Music Co
Arrow Automobile Co. (Hudson)
Arrow Plywood Co., Inc.
Arsee Design and Manufacturing Inc.
Art - see also Monuments
Art Clubs
Art Festival
Art League, Public School
Art Museum
Art Museum Collections
Art Museum Exhibits
Art Museum School
Art Resources of Worcester, Inc.
Artel Communication Corp.
Arter Grinding Machine Co.
Artfaire (Leominster) - see Carrington Co. (Leominster)
Artgift Greeting Co.
Arthritis and rheumatism
Artificial Satellites
Arts Advisory Committee (missing 2/2017)
Arts and Crafts
Arts District
Arts Worcester
Asbestos Textile Co. (North Brookfield)
Aseco Corp.
Asher Company (Fitchburg)
Ashworth Brothers, Inc.
Asian Anti-defamation League
Asian Longhorn Beetle – see Trees and insects
Asians—see Chinese; Cambodian; Vietnamese; etc.
Aspen Aerogels
Assemblies of God Churches
Assessors Department
Associated Blind of Massachusetts, Worcester Chapter - see also Blind
Associated Retail Credit Men of Massachusetts
Associated Transports Inc.
Association of Colored Peoples - see Home Assn. For Aged Colored People
Association of Environmental Sciences
Assumption College
Assumption College clubs
Assyrian clubs
Astra Pharmaceutical Products, Inc.
Astro Cleaning Systems
Astro Packaging Inc. (Leominster)
Astro Wire and Cable Co.
Astrofoam Inc.
Astronautics Industries Inc. (Marlboro)
Astronauts - see also David M. Clark Co.
Astronomy - see also Alden Astronomy Society
Astronomy Charted
Astro-Valcour Inc.
Atamian Motors
ATF Davidson- see Whitin Machine Works
Athena Diagnostics - see Genica Pharmaceuticals
Athletic clubs
Athol Communication Corp.
Athol Cutter and Carbide Co.
Athol Machine and Foundry Co.
Atkins and Merrill, Inc.
Atlantic Electrical Supply Co.
Atlantic Union College
Atlas Distributing Co. (Auburn)
Atlas News Co.
Atlas Press
Atmosphere Inc.
Atomic warfare
Attorneys - see Lawyers
W.E. Aubochon Inc
Auburn Industrial Tool Grinding Co.
Auditing Dept.
Auditorium - see Memorial Auditorium
Authors (in general)
Automated Assemblies Corp. (Clinton)
Automated Components Technologies
Automatic Products Corp.
Automatic Rolls of New England
Automobile Clubs
Automobile Dealerships
Automobile Information Bureau, Inc.
Automotive Information Center
Automotive Management Inc.
AVCO Bay State Abrasives - see Bay State Abrasives
Aviall Co. - see Comeford - Audet Corp.
Aviation Training Academy
Axis Co.


BASF Biotechnology Corp
B&H Service Company
Babco Recycling
Babcock Power Inc.
Bach Society of Worcester, Inc.
Bacheller, William H. Co., Inc.
Bachman Uxbridge Worsted Corp. - see Emile Bernat & Sons Co., Inc.
Baker Box Co.
J. Baker Inc
Baker Lumber Co.
Bakers and Bakeries - see also names of specific bakeries
Baldwin-Duckworth Div. Of Chain Belt Co. see Rexnord, Inc.
Baldwinville - see Templeton
Ball Valve Industry
Ballet - see also Worcester Ballet Co.
Bancroft Automobile Club (AAA)
Bancroft Human Services
Bancroft Motors
Bancroft School
Bancroft School of Massage Therapy
Bancroft Tower
Bands - see also Worcester Kiltie Band; Worcester Brigade Band
Bandwith Center, Inc
Bank of America
Bank of Boston
Bank of New England - Worcester
Banking Clubs
Banks (in general)
Banyan Systems Inc. (Westboro)
Baptist Churches
 Adams Square Church
 Baptist Chapel
 Beacon Street Church
 Belmont Street Church
 Bethel Church (first swedish –finnish baptist church)
 Burncoat Street Church
 Calvary Church- see South Calvary Church
 Christ Church
 First Church
 Grace Church
 Harlem Street Church
 Immanuel Church
 Italian Church
 John Street Church
 Liberty Baptist
 Lincoln Square Church –see Burncoat Baptist Church
 Newton Square Church
 Pleasant Street Church
 Quinsigamond Church
 Second Church
 South Church –see South Calvary Church
 Temple Church
 Wachusett Valley
Barbershop Quartet Singing - see also Society for the preservation and encouragement of  barbershop quartet singing in America, Worcester Chapter
Barden Homes
Barkley & Bexter Laboratories, Inc. (Fitchburg)
Barmer Products Corp.
George A Barnard Co.
Barnard, Sumner & Putnam Co.
H.G. Barr & Co.
Barrack Laboratories
Barre Hotel
Barre Publishing Co.
Barre Wool Combing Co.
Leon J. Barrett Co.
Barry Wright Corp - see Wright Line

Asa Bartlett Press
W.W. Bartlett & Sons
Baseball, Professional
Bates Shoe Co. (Webster)
John Bath & Co.
Bath Genie (Marlboro)
Bay State Abrasives
Bay State Bronze Sign Co.
Bay State Coal Co.
Bay State Gas Co.
Bay State Redemption Center - see Northeast Recycling Corp.
Bay State Savings Bank
Bay State Tobacco & Candy Co.
Bayer & Mingolla Industries, Inc.
Charles Bean Music Co.
Beauty Shops
Beaver Brook
Becker Junior College
Bee Plastics Corp.
Beekeepers - see Worcester County Beekeepers Association
Beldon Inc.
Bel-Hil Products Co.
Bell Co.
Bell Pond
Bell Shops
Bellefont Dyeing Corp. (Sturbridge)
Belmont Hill
Belmont Home - see also Christopher House
Belmont Hospital
Benson's Clothing
Berger Army & Navy Store
Berlin Stone Co.
Berlyn Corp.
Emile Bernat & Sons, Inc, (Uxbridge)
B. Berquist Co.
Best Buy
Bestrest Mattress Co.
Bethany Christian United Parish
Bethany Gospel Chapel
Bethel Bible Institute
Bethel Help Association
Better Business Bureau of Central New England
Better Films Council
Betting - see Gambling
Bicentennial Celebration
George Bierberbach Co.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Big Discount Markets/Wonder Markets
Big Party
Big Y Supermarkets
Bigelow Electric Co.
Billings Auto Supply
Bilt-Rite Bootwear Co., Inc.
Biochem Pharma Inc.
Biography- See separate inventory list
Biomedical Research Models
Biotechnology Research Park
Biovest International Inc.
Birth Control -see also Abortion
Black Coalition
Blackbird Laboratory Theater
Blacks-see African Americans
Blackstone Canal
Blackstone River
Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor
Blackstone River Watershed Association
Blackstone Stateway Visitor’s Center
Blackstone Valley
Blake Brothers
George F. Blake, Inc.
George R Bliss & Son
Bliss & Laughlin Industries, Inc.  (missing 2/1/2017)
Bliss-Rockwood Division - see also Firematic Sprinkler Co.
Blizzards (General)
Blizzard of '79 – see notebook
Block grant material - see Finance (City); Office of Planning and Community Development
Block/NewEngland Inc.
Blodgett & Blodgett
Blood - see also Red Cross
B. Bloomfield & Co.
Blue Cod Technologies
Blue Cross
Boarding Houses - see Lodging Houses
Boards and Commissions (City) (general information)
Boepple Meat Co.
Bogart and Hopper Box Co. (Orange)
Bogden Laboratories
Bohemian Club
Bonardi's Inc.
E.M. Bond Co.
Bonded Diamond Product of Worcester, Inc.
Books and Booksellers
Borden Chemical Company, Thermoplastics Div. (Leominster)
Bose Corp.
Boston Digital Corp. (Milford)
Boston Five Cent Savings Bank
Boston Gun Range,
Boston Marathon
Boston Optical Fiber
Boston Post Cane
Boston Power
Boston Scientific
Botwinik Brothers
Boudreau Computer Services
Boutique Afrique
Boutwell, Owens & Co., Inc.
Bowker-Hamblin-Malmquist, Inc.
H. A. Bowman & Co
Box 4 Associates
Boy Scouts
Boyce Small Tool & Die Co.
Boys Club
Bozenhard Co.
Brady & Sun, Inc.
Braman Dow and Co. ( missing 2/1/2017)
Brand-Rix Fiber Optics
Henry Brannon Co
Brass & Copper Shop
Bratt Corp. (Holden)
Brewer & Co.
Bridge Clubs
Brierly Lombard & Co.
Brine Inc.
Brink's Inc.
Brinley Hall
Briox Technologies, Inc.
Briscon Electric Manufacturing Corp. (Auburn)
Bristol Myers Squibb Co.
Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary
Broadband Access System
Brockelman Brothers
Brookfield Athletic Shoe Co.
Brookfield Machine Co.
Brookfield Symposium
Brookfield Wire Co., Inc.
Brooks - see Rivers
Brookside Homes
H.H. Brown Shoe Co.
James P. Brown Co
M. Brown Inc.
Brown Beach Jacket Company
A.A. Brunell Electro Plating Co.
Brunswick Corporation
Buck Brothers
E. R. Buck Chair Co. (Clinton)
Buckner Process Co.
Budget (City) - see Finance (City)
Buffalo Tank Div.
Buffington, Inc.
Builders Association Of Central Massachusetts
Builders Specialties Co.
Building 19
Building laws and regulations - see Code Inspection Dept.
George H. Bullard Co. (Westboro)
Bureau of Land Use Control
Burroughs Corporation
Burton Saw & Supply Corp.
David Burwick Co.
Buses - see also Worcester Bus Co.; Worcester Regional Transit Authority
Bush and Company
Business Brokers
Business Software Technology
Business Women's Clubs
Businesses (general)
Chas. S. Buswell Co.
Butler Chevrolet Agency
Butler-Deardon Paper Services, Inc.
Butman Riot
Button Clubs
Phillip L. Buxton Co. ( missing 2/1/2017)
Buy Worcester
Bytex Corp. (Southboro)

C.C.A. Cigar Factory 
CC Lowell
CETA continued as Job Training Partnership Act. 
CIBA Vision Corp. 
CPC Engineering Corp. 
C & S Wholesale Grocers, Inc. 
CV Tools
Cadet Laboratories, Inc. 
Cadrin & Sons 
Cains Food Inc. 
Caldor, Inc. 
Callan Respite House - see Worcester Area Association for Retarded Children 
Calliope Productions 
Calvary Church - see South Calvary Church
Calvary Evangelistic Center (Calvary Temple) 
Calvary Temple 
Cambridge Bioscience Corp. 
Cambridge Biotech Corp. 
Henry J. Camosse & Sons 
Camp Fire Council 
Camp Joy 
Camping (in general, family, campgrounds, etc.) 
Camps (children's camps) 
Canada Dry Bottling Co. of Worcester, Inc. 
Canal District 
Canals - see also Blackstone Canal 
Candle Lighters, Central Massachusetts Chapter 
Candy making
Canoes and canoeing 
Capitol Slipper Co.
Capitol Toy Distributors 
Caravan Coffee Co., Inc. 
Carbolan Co. (Sterling) 
Carbonneau's Shoes 
Cardio Data (Marlboro) 
Career Education 
Career Educational Training Center - see Vocational Schools 
Career Opportunity Program 
Carleton Machine Tool Corp. 
Carleton Woolen Mills, Inc. (Leicester) 
Carling Turbine Blower
Carlson Lumber Co. 
Carrington Co. (Leominster)
Carroll Enterprises, Inc. 
Carroll Pressed Metal, Inc. 
CASA (Court appointed and special advocate project) 
M.J. Casa Co. 
Case Pharmaceutical Corp. 
Casella Waste Management
Casey at the Bat – see Biography, Thayer, E.L.
N.D. Cass Co. (Athol) 
Castion Corp.
Casual Male 
Caswell King Co. 
Casey at the Bat - see Biography, Thayer, E.L. 
Catacombs - see Underground Railroad 
Cathedral Players 
Catholic Charities 
Catholic Churches 
- Ascension 
- Blessed Sacrament 
- Christ the King 
- Holy Name of Jesus 
- Immaculate Conception 
- Notre Dame 
- Our Lady of Czestochowa 
- Our Lady of Fatima 
- Our Lady of Loreto 
- Our Lady of Lourdes 
- Our Lady of Mercy 
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel 
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help 
- Our Lady of the Angels 
- Our Lady of the Rosary 
- Our Lady of Vilna 
- Sacred Heart 
- St. Andrew the Apostle 
- St. Ann's 
- St. Anthony's 
- St. Bernard's 
- St. Casimir's 
- St. Catherine of Sweden 
- St. Charles Borromeo 
- St. Christopher 
- St. George 
- St. Joan of Arc 
- St. John's 
- St. Joseph's 
- St. Margaret Mary 
- St. Mary's  (missing 2/1/2017)
- St. Paul's Cathedral 
- St. Peter's 
- St. Stephen's 
Catholic Free Press 
Catholic Hospitals - see Hospitals - History 
Catholic Schools (in general) 
Catholic Schools 
- Ascension High 
- Assumption Prep 
- Blessed Sacrament 
- Holy Name of Jesus 
- Marian High 
- Notre Dame Academy 
- Our Lady of Angels 
- Our Lady of Mercy - see Mercy Center for Developmental Disabilities 
- Sacred Heart Academy 
- St. John's 
- St. Joseph's 
- St. Mary's 
- St. Paul's 
- St. Peter's Elementary 
- St. Peter's High 
- St. Peter Marian 
- St. Stephen's 
- Venerini Academy 
Catholic Woman of the Year 
Catholic Workers 
Catholic Youth Council 
Cattle Shows 
Cecily G.
Cellco Manufacturing Co. 
Celluplastics (Fitchburg) 
Celtic Cross - see Monuments 
Centech Corp. (Shrewsbury)
Center for Applied Fiberoptic Application
Center for Business Information
Center for Community Studies (Clark) - see Community Studies 
Center for Entrepreneurial Management 
Center for Living and Working 
Center For Nonviolent Solutions
Center for Performing Arts
Center for School Business Initiatives 
Center for Technology Commercialization 
Center for the Study of Human Rights
Central Coating Co. 
Central Massachusetts Association for Mental Health, Inc. 
Central Massachusetts Baseball Association 
Central Massachusetts Convention and Visitors Bureau
Central Massachusetts Economic Development Authority 
Central Massachusetts Employers Association 
Central Massachusetts Family Planning Council 
Central Massachusetts Gaskart Club 
Central Massachusetts Health Care Foundation (PSRO) 
Central Massachusetts Health Care Inc.  (missing 2/1/2017)
Central Massachusetts Health Systems Agency 
Central Massachusetts Lung Association 
Central Massachusetts Magnetic Imaging Center 
Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission 
Central Massachusetts Safe Energy Project 
Central New England College
Central Supply Co. 
Central Tool Co. 
Centro Las Americas - see Spanish Community Center
Centrum - See Civic Center 
Century Electronics
Ceramic Process Systems 
Cerebral Palsy - see also United Cerebral Palsy Association Of Worcester, Inc. Altheia Grotto 
Cerebral Palsy School Clinic 
Chafee Brothers (Oxford) 
Chamber of Commerce - see Worcester Area Chamber of Commerce 
Championship Management Corp. (Webster) 
Chand Associates (includes Chand Kare) 
Chandler Street Center 
Change Ringing 
Channing House 
Chapin & O'Brien 
Chapter 622 - see Sports Equal Opportunity 
Charamella Design Inc. 
Charles Chevrolet 
Charles Kay 
Charles River Lab
Charlton Co. (Leominster) 
Charlton Woolen Co. 
Charter - see also Municipal Govt. Plan E. 
Charter Commission 
Charter Commission (County)  
Charter Schools 
Chartered Underwriters, Worcester Chapter 
Chase Paper Co. 
Chase Precast Corp (North Brookfield) 
Chase Safety Service, Inc. (Shrewsbury) 
Doc Chauvin Inc. 
Chem Design Corp. (Fitchburg) 
Chem-X Corp. 
Chestnut Place 
Chestnut Renewal Corp. 
Chevalier Furniture Co. 
Child Abuse 
Child Abuse - Clergy 
Child Guidance Association of Worcester, Inc. 
Child Guidance Center - see Youth Guidance Center 
Childbirth Education Association of Central Massachusetts, Inc. 
Children, Activities for 
Children's Friend Society 
Children's Fund Players 
Children's Museum 
Children's Theater 
Child’s Wish Come True
Chimney Sweeping 
China Animal Husbandry Co.
Chipcom Corp. (Southern) 
Chisholm Industries - see Harrington & Richardson 
Choose Worcester
Christadelphian Church 
Christian Coalition
Christian Missionary Alliance Church
Christian Science Church
Christian Women's Club 
Christie and Thompson, Inc. 
Christopher House - see also Belmont Home 
Christy Chemical Corp. (missing 2/1/2017)
Chromalloy American Corp. - see also Standard Foundry Co. 
Church clubs (Catholic) 
Church clubs (Orthodox) 
Church clubs (Protestant) 
Church of Bible Understanding 
Church of Christ - see Disciples of Christ, First Christian Church 
Church of God 
Church of God Mt. Sinai 
Church of God Pentecostal 
Church of the Nazarene 
Cider Mill Farms
Cisco Systems
Citizen Complaint Office (Ombudsman) 
Citizens Band Radio (CB) 
Citizens for Participation in Political Action, Worcester Area Chapter 
Citizens Plan E Association 
Citizens Resource Center 
Citizens Taxpayers Association 
Citizens Upholding Responsible Education (CURE) 
City and Town Clerks Association 
City as landlord - see Municipal Real Property (except public housing) 
City Builders Supply Co. 
City Clerk 
City Council 
City Flower 
City Hall 
City Hospital 
City Hospital and Belmont Hospital (missing 2/1/2017)
City Hospital School of Nursing 
City Key 
City Manager 
City Messenger 
City Planning 
City Planning - East Central 
City Planning - Elm Park 
City Planning - Salem Street 
City Seal 
City Slitting and Manufacturing Co. 
City Solicitor 
City Song 
City Works - see Peace Corps., Vista, etc. 
Civic Center - see also Convention Center 
Civic Center Commission 
Civic Music Association - see Community Concert Association 
Civigenics Inc.
Civil Air Patrol 
Civil Defense Department 
Civil Disobedience - see Protest Groups, Military Service 
Civil Rights - see Human Rights 
Civil Rights Movement 
Civil Service 
Civil War 
Civilian Conservation Corps. 
Civilian Defense 
Civitan Club 
Claflin-Sumner Co. 
Claremont Academy
Clark Associates 
David Clark Co. 
George H. Clark Co. 
Clark University 
Classic Car Corp. 
Clean City Committee 
Cleanup Campaigns
Clear Weave Store 
Clergy and Laity Concerned 
Clergymen's Associations 
Clinton Corp. (missing 2/1/2017)
Clinton Plastics, Inc. 
Clinton Stove Co. 
Clover Knit, Inc. 
Clubs (in general) 
Coal Mine - see Mines and mineral resources 
Coalition on Human Dignity 
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. 
Code Inspection Dept. 
Coes Knife Co. 
Coes Pond 
Coffee houses 
Coffee Kingdom 
Coghlin Electric Co. 
Coghlin Furniture Co. 
Coherent General (Sturbridge) 
Collaborative Marketing 
Collective Bargaining (city) 
Collective Bargaining (city) - Teachers - see also Educ. Assoc. of Worcester 
College Hill Civic Association 
Colleges - see names of institutions; Un. And colleges (in general) 
Colonial Press, Inc. 
Colony Press 
Color Span Corp. 
Columbia Farms Inc.
Columbia Tech
Combined Health Appeal of Central Massachusetts 
Come Alive Program - see also Child Abuse Clergy 
Come Play Products 
Comerford-Audet Co. 
Comfort Slipper Co. (Fitchburg) 
Comlink Inc. 
Commerce Bank and Trust Co. 
Commerce Insurance (Webster) 
Commercial Stamp Co. 
Commission on Elder Affairs 
Committee on Business Information 
Committee on Political Education (COPE) 
Committee on the Status of Women 
Common Outlets - See Worcester Center 
Commonwealth Baking Co. 
Commonwealth Bioventures Inc. 
Commonwealth Gas Co. 
Commonwealth National bank
Commonwealth Press 
Commonwealth Service Corps. 
Commonwealth Spring Co. 
Commonwealth Stationers 
Communications Systems (City) 
Communist Party 
Community Action Council 
 Community Aftercare 
Community Concert Association 
Community Development Corp. 
Community Healthlink - see Worcester Area Community Mental Health Center 
Community Sailing Program 
Community Services of Greater Worcester - see also United Way of Central Massachusetts 
Community Treatment Complex 
Comp Inc. 
Compaq Computer Co.
Compassionate Friends 
Comprehensive Health Planning Council of Central Massachusetts 
Computer Center 
Computer Clubs 
Computer Industry and Services 
Computer Packages Unlimited 
Computer Security Institute 
Computer Services (City) 
Concentric Data Service 
Concord Communications 
Concord Foundry, Inc. 
Concord Wire Co.
Congregational Churches (in general) 
Congregational Churches 
- Adams Square 
- Bethany - see also Bethany Christian United Parish 
- Central 
- Chestnut Street 
- First 
- First - Old South 
- Hadwen Park 
- Hope 
- Lake View 
- Park 
- Piedmont
- Pilgrim 
- Plymouth
- Raymond Memorial 
- Salem Square 
- Tatnuck
- United Congregational 
Congressional Districts - see Election districts 
Conifer Group - see Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. 
Conservation (Nature) 
Conservation Commission 
Consolidated Beverages, Inc. 
Consumer Counseling 
Consumer Credit Association of Worcester 
Consumer Protection 
Consumer Savings Bank
Consumer Value Store (CVS) 
Continental Consolidated Inc. 
Controlonics Corp.
Convention Center 
Conversent Communications
Cooke Optical (North Brookfield) 
Cookson & Co. 
Cookson Performance Plastics 
Cook's Canyon - see Barre 
Cooney Cable Associates
COPE - see Committee on Political Education 
Coppus Engineering Co. 
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) 
Cornell - Dublier Electrical Corp. 
Coronet, Inc. 
Correctional Change Group ( missing2/1/2017)
Cosmos Enterprizes 
Cost and standard of living 
Costco Wholesale Corp.
Cott Corp. 
Cottage Donuts
Cotter's Harness & Sadlery Shop 
Al Cotton Communications Inc. 
Bennie Cotton, Inc. 
J. Cougler Inc. 
Council for Constitutional Reform 
Council on Aging - see Commission on Elder Affairs 
Coughlin Furniture Co.( missing2/1/2017)
Country Candle Co
Country Clubs 
Country Squire International 
County (In general) 
County Hospital - see Worcester County Hospital 
County House of Correction 
County Seal 
Court Clerks Association 
Courts - see also Juvenile courts; U.S. Bankruptcy Court; U.S. District Court 
Courts - Officers and Judges 
Covenant Churches 
- Bethlehem 
- Salem 
Covered bridges - see Bridges 
James Cowan and Sons 
Cow's Farm 
Coz Chemical Corp. (Northbridge) 
Craft Center 
Crandell's Boat House 
Cranska Thread Co. 
Cranston Print Works Co. (Webster) 
Creative Packaging Inc. 
Credit Bureau of Greater Worcester (missing 2/1/2017)
Credit Bureaus 
Credit Unions 
Credit Women International Worcester Chapter 
Credit Women's Business Club, Worcester Chapter 
Cribbage Club 
Crime (in general) 
- Arson 
-Assault and battery
- Bombs 
- Car Theft 
- Drugs - see Drugs; Drug Abuse 
- Guns & Gun Law - see Firearms 
- Homicide 
- Kidnapping 
- Rape 
- Robberies and Thefts 
-Sex Offenders
- Statistics 
Crime Fraud
Criminal Justice Planning Office 
Crisis Center 
Cristy Chemical Corp. 
Critical Care America - see also New England Critical Care 
Crocker, Burbank Co. (Fitchburg) 
Crompton and Knowles Corp.
Crompton Collective (this is a new heading but there is no folder in cabinets)
CROP Walk for Hunger 
E.J. Cross Inc. 
S.R. Cross Pattern Shop
CrossCom Corp. 
Crown Baking
Crown Hill 
Crozier House 
Crusible Steel Co. (Auburn) 
Crusade for Freedom 
Csx Railroad 
Cubans - see also Spanish Speaking 
Cultural Assembly of Great Worcester 
Cultural Commission 
Culver Stearns Manufacturing Co.
Cumberland Farms 
Cunningham Coffee Co. 
Cure's Furniture 
Curling Clubs 
Curry Copy Centers 
Curtis and Marble Machine Co. 
Curtis Pond 
Curtis Tractor Cab Co. 
Custom Casting Co. (West Warren
Custom Coating & Laminating Corp. ) 
Custom Valves and Control Corp. 
Cutler Associates 
B.H. Cutler Co.

D-Pak Systems
D & S Roofing and Sheet Metal Corp.
DCU Center—see Civic Center
DNA Research - see U.Mass Med. School; Worcester Foundation, WPI
DRS Technologies, Inc.
Dacor Manufacturing Co.
Dairy Council of the Worcester Area
Daley Inc.
Dalliance and Divergence Society (missing 2/1/2017)
Dams - see Flood Control
Dana Corp. (Webster)
Dancing - see also Ballet; Square Dancing
Daniels School of Forestry and Conservation
Danit Corp.
Dapool Plastics
DARE Program
L.B. Darling Co.
Darmann Abrasives Products
Darplex Industries, Inc. (Spencer)
Data Control Systems
Data General Corp. (Southbridge)
Data Processing Management Association
Data Terminal Systems
Data Translation (Marlboro)
Datarol, Inc.
Dating Services
Daughters of the American Revolution
Daughters of Scotia
Dauphinais Concrete Inc.
David Clark Co.
David Gessner Co.
Leonard Davis Advertising Inc.
Davis & Bannister, Inc.
Davis Drugs Co.
Davis Industries, Inc.
Davis Press
Day Brothers, Inc.
Day by Day
Day Care Services
Daytimer Shoe Co.
Dead Sea Scrolls
Deaf - see also Worcester County Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.
Oliver M. Deenan & Sons, Inc. (Shrewsbury)
Décor Furniture Co. (Gardner)
Decorator's Workshop
Deed Rock
Defense Industry
Defraction Support Group
Deker Industries
Delinquents - see juvenile delinquency
DeLong and Provost, Inc.
Delux Parlor Furniture Co.
DeMambro Radio Supply
J.D. DeMichele, Ltd.
Democratic Party
Denholm & McKay Co.
Denholm Project
Denman & Davis Co.
Dental Associations - see also Worcester District Dental Society
Dental Care
Dental Schools
Department of Children and Families- see Massachusetts department of Social Services
Department of public works- see "Public works department"
Design Circuits, Inc.
Design Concepts & Wire Products
Design Pak, Inc. (Marlboro)
Destination Worcester
Development (County)
Devens Commerce Center
Devereux School
Diabetes - see also Worcester Area Diabetes Society
Diamond Fiber Products (Palmer)
Diamond International Corp.
Diamond Machining Technology Inc.
Diamond Shoe Co. (Marlboro)
A.B. Dick Co.
Dick Brothers
Dickens Fellowship
Dietz Machine Works, Inc. (Hudson)
Digital Equipment Corp.
Diocese - Council of Catholic Men
Diocese - History
Diocese - Lay Apostolate
Diocese - League of Catholic Women
Diocese - Senate of Priests
Dipierro Manufacturing Co.
DirectiCOM, Inc.
Disarmament - see Peace Groups
Disaster - see Specific Kind
Disaster Planning
Disciples of Christ, First Christian Church
Discrimination - see Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination
Discrimination in Employment
Discrimination in Housing
Discussion Groups on World Affairs
Disease - see Health
Dismas House
Dispatch Inc. - see Communication System (city)
District Attorney's Office
Dis Yort Tape and Belt Co., Inc. (Paxton)
Divining Rod
Dobbs Beverage Co. (Shrewsbury)
Doctors Hospital
Doeskin Products, Inc. (Wheelwright)
Dog racing
Dogs - see also Animals
H.A. Doherty Co.
Dolan Oldsmobile Co., Inc.
Domestic Violence
Donahue Social Club
Donations Clearinghouse
Harold D. Donohue Federal Building
Donovan Group
Double-take Software Inc. (Southboro)
Dover Instrument Corps (Westboro)
Charles Dowd Box. Co.
Downey Side
Downtown Area
Downtown Business District Association
Downtown Development Organization
Downtown Park and Shop
Downtown Worcester Development Corp.
Dowsing Rod - see Divining Rod
Draft - see Military Service
Drake Petroleum Co., Inc. (Auburn)
Drama (general, multiple groups, history)
Drama - see also Specific Names
Draper Corp.
Drem Machine Co.
Drug Abuse
Drug Addiction and Treatment
Drum Association Of Worcester, Inc.
Drummond Press, Inc.
Drunk Driving - see Alcohol and Driving; MADD/SADD
Dry Cleaning Businesses
P.S. Dubrey Trucking Co. (Shrewsbury)   ( 2/1/2017)
Duddie Dodge (missing 2/1/2017)
Duddie Ford (missing 2/1/2017)
Duddy's Product Co., Inc. (Westboro)
Dudley Fire Apparatus Inc.
Dudley Hall
Dudley Plasticators, Inc.
George E. Duffy Mfg. Co.
Dummy Railroad - see Worcester & Shrewsbury Railroad
Dump - see Refuse Removal
Dumps & Dumping
Dun & Bradstreet Software
Dunn & Co.
Duplicon Co.
Duracraft Corp.
Duralite Co.
Dynamy Program
Dysautonomia Foundation
Dyson's Bakery

EBC Marketing Inc.
E.C.C. Corp. (Holden)
Eccubed Inc.
ECI Biotech this is missing 2/1/2017
EMC Corp.
EPS, Inc. this is missing 2/1/2017
EPT Inc.
Eagle Electroplating Co. this is missing 2/1/2017
Eagles, Fraternal Order of
East Brookfield - see also Podunk
East Douglas
Easter Seal Society
Eastern Acoustic Works
Eastern Machine and Tool Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Eastern Medical Center
Eastern Schokarete Corp.
Eastern Star, Order of
F.A. Easton Co.
Easy Sweep Vac
Eclinical Works
Economic Conditions
Economic Machinery Co.
Economy Distributors Inc. (Shrewsbury)
Economy Welders, Inc.
EcoScience Corp.
EcoTarium - see Science Center
EcoTec Inc.
Edin Electronics Co.
Thomas A. Edison Industries (North Grafton)
Education (Citizens' Groups) see also Friends of Worcester Public Schools
Educational Association of Worcester
Educational Competitions (spelling bees, etc.)
Edward Street Day Care Center
Edwards Paint and Paper Co.
El Centro Las Americas - see Spanish Community Center
Elastic Products Co.
Election Commission
Election Districts
-by year
Elections (City)
Elections (County)
Electric Boiler Corporation of America
Electric Power this is missing
Electrochemical Industries, Inc.
Electro Fiberoptics Corp.
Electro Magnetic Launch Research Inc. (Hudson)
Electronic Computer Programming Institute
Electronic Designs Inc.
Electronic Specialties Manufacturing Co.
Electronics Industry
Electronicycle Inc.
Elegant Entries Unlimited
Elfskin Corp.
Elias Carter Award
Elkay Products, Inc.
Elks, Quinsigamond Lodge
Elks, Worcester Lodge
Ellsworth Cold Storage - see Boston Beef Co.
Elm Park Associates
Elwood Adams, Inc.
Emaral Corp.
Emblem Club
Emerald Club
Emigration - see Immigration and Emigration
Emotionally Disturbed see Mentally Handicapped
Emotions Anonymous
Employees (City)
Employees (City) - Residency
Employees - Training
Employment Security, Massachusetts Division of
Emuge Corp
Encore Computer Corp.
 End times church
Energy Materials Comp.
Encore Computer Corp..
The Energy Story (Millbury)
Engelhand Precision Microwave Circuits
Engineering Societies
English Social Club
Entr' Actors Guild
Entwistle Co. (Hudson)
Envelope Industry
Enviro Plastics Inc.
Ephram's Bookstore
Epicurean Club
Episcopal Churches
- All Saints Church
- St. Francis Church
- St. John's Church
- St. Lukes Church
- St. Mark's Church
- St. Matthew's Church
- St. Michael's Church
Epoch Systems
ePresence - see Banyan Systems, Inc.
Epsco, Worcester Div.
Equal Opportunity
Equal Opportunity Office (city)
Erie Plastics
Essays - competitions
Estate Planners Council of Worcester County
Ethan Allen Co.
Ethnic Groups
Euro-American Air Freight
European American Fashion Knitwear Corp.
European War, 1914-1918 - see World War I
L.B. Evans
Evergreen Solar
Eversource- see "Commonwealth Gas Co."
Ev're'dy Broom Manufacturing Co.
Exact Sciences Corp
Exchange Club
Excursion Car Company
Executive Housing Committee
Executone of Western Massachusetts
Experimental Aircraft Association
Export Trade
Expressway - see Roads - Rte. I290
Exurope Inc.

FBI - see U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation 
F & H Transportation Co. 
F & R Office Products, Inc. 
F.F.S. Inc. 
Fabrics Inc.
Fahey Exhibits (Northboro) 
The Fair - see also Rose Family Enterprises 
Fair Share -see Massachusetts Fair Share 
Fairlawn Hospital 
Fairs and Festivals (missing 2/1/2017)
Faith House 
Faith Manufacturing Co. (Fitchburg) 
Fales Street # 16 
Fallon Clinic 
Falulah Paper Co, (Fitchburg) 
Families United/Familias Unidas 
Family Bakery 
Family Health & Social Service Center 
Family Lifeline Volunteers—see Little Sisters of the Assumption
 Family Planning Services of Central Massachusetts this is missing 2/1/2017
Family Practice Health Center 
Family Service Organization of Worcester 
Farber Welting Co. 
Farm Workers Protests 
Farming - see Agriculture 
Farnsworth Merchandise Warehouse Co. 
Fashion Warehouse 
Fashions in White 
Fastenal Co. 
Father John Power Center 
Fay Funeral Home 
Federal Aid to Education - see Schools - Finance 
Federal Express 
Federal Mogul Corp. - see Vellumoid Co. 
Federal Plaza 
Federal Revenue Sharing - see Finance (City); Finance (County) 
Federal Savings and Loan Association - see Freedom Federal Savings & Loan Ass. 
Feecon Corp. (Westboro) 
Felters Co., Inc. (Millbury) 
Fence Viewer 
Fenwick Theater Co. 
Fiber Optic Network Solutions 
Fiber Optics Industry 
Fibercore Inc.
Fidelity Cooperative Bank 
J.M. Fields, Inc. 
File Aides, Inc. 
Filene's, William, Sons Co. 
Films, film center 
Finance (City)
Finance (County) 
Finance (Spencer)
Fine Arts - see Arts 
Fine Fabrics, Inc. 
Fire Department 
Fire Patrol 
Fire Society - see Worcester Fire Society 
Firematic Sprinkler Co, (Shrewsbury) 
Firemen's Musters 
Fireside Club 
Firestone Stores 
First Data Corp. 
First Federal Savings and Loan Association Of Worcester - see Freedom Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. 
First Impressions 
First Ladies
First Massachusetts Bank 
First National Food Stores 
First Night 
First Safety Fund National Bank - see Safety Fund Bank 
First Service Bank 
Fish (Organization) 
Fish and Game Club - see Worcester County Fish and Game Association 
Fisher Controls International 
Fisher Junior College 
Fishing - see also Quabbin Reservoir 
Fiskdale - see Sturbridge 
Fiske-Carter Construction Co. 
Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Co. 
Fitchburg Paper Company 
Fitchburg State College 
Fitchburg Yarn Co. 
Fitzwell Girdle Co. 
S.J. Flagg & Co. 
Flagship Bank 
Fleet Bank 
Fleet Marine 
Flexcon Co., Inc.
Flextronicw Inc.
Floating Parish 
Flood Control 
Florence Stove Co. (Garland) 
Flower - see City Flower 
Flying Saucers - see U.F.O.'s 
Foam Concepts Inc.
Foley Industrial Engines 
Foley Stadium 
Folio Tradeshow Exhibit Co. 
Folk Festivals 
Food Specialties, Inc. 
Food Stores - see also names of individual stores i.e. Iandoli's 
Football – T & G Sections
Foothills Theater Co. 
Forbush Bird Club 
Foreign Policy Association; Worcester Branch 
Forestry School - see Daniels' School of Forestry and Conservation 
Form-A-Lite Inc. Northbridge 
Fort Devens 
Fosta-tek Optics
Foster Forbes Glass Co. 
Foster Grant Co., Inc. (Leominster) 
Foster Home Care 
Foster Mother of the Year 
Foster Parents Association 
Foundations (2010)
Four H Clubs 
Fourth of July 
Framaco, Inc. 
Franco-American Plastics - see Elastic Products Co. 
Franklin Research Corporation 
Franklin Square - see also Federal Plaza 
Free Flow Packaging Inc. 
Free Spirit
Freedom Federal Savings and Loan Assoc.
Freedom Foods Inc. 
Freemasons - see Masonic clubs  
Freeman's Baking 
Frem Corp.
Fremont Casting Co. 
French Clubs 
French Manufacturing Co. 
Fresh Air Fund 
Fretter Inc. 
Friday Afternoon Club 
Friendly House (missing 2/1/2017)
Friendly Ice Cream Stores 
Friendly Riders Club 
Friends of the Retarded 
Friends of the Worcester Public Library 
Friends of the Worcester Public Schools 
Friends, Society of 
Friendship Force Exchange Program 
Frohock-Stewart, Inc. 
Frohsinn Club 
Front Street 
Frost Manufacturing Co. 
(John A.)Frye Shoe Co. (Marlboro) 
Fruitlands - see Harvard 
Fuller Regalia & Flag Co. 
Fun House 
Fund Raising Companies 
Funeral Homes 
Funeral Rites and Ceremonies 
Furniture Industry 
Furniture Loft  

G&F Industries 
G & S Mills Inc. (Northboro)
GAR Hall
GHM Industries Inc.
GL Synthesis Inc.
GNK Powder Met. Inc. –see Presmet Corp.
GTE Sylvania
Galileo Electo-Optics Corp. (Sturbridge) 
Gardening Clubs
Gardner Beef Co.
Gardner Gas, Fuel, Light Co.
Gardner State Hospital 
J.B. Garland & Sons Feed Mill 
Garrepy Platters
Garshman Tire Co. 
Gary Chemical Corp. (Leominster) 
Gates, Inc. 
Gateway Park 
Gauch Brothers Marina
Gavitt Wire and Cable Co. (Brookfield) 
Gaychrome Co.
Gazette - see Telegram and Gazette 
Gear Motions Inc. 
Gem Crib and Cradle Co. (Gardner) 
Gemini Food Industries 
General Electric Co. 
General Electric Credit Corp. 
General Electro Co. Clock and Timer Dept. 
General Ice Cream Corp. (Southboro) 
General Screw Machine Manufacturing Products Inc. 
General Spring and Wire Co. (Oxford) 
Genetic Research - see U. Massachusetts Medical School; Worcester Foundation; WPI 
Genica Pharmaceuticals Corp. 
Gentex Corp. (Dudley) 
Gentile's Bakery 
Geographical Center
George Die Finishing Co. 
George's Bakery 
Georgia Pacific Corp. 
Germania Social Club 
David Gessner Co.
Ghosts - see Occult Sciences 
Gilman and Moffett Co. 
Gilman Brothers, Inc. 
Ginseng Up Corp.
Gipsies - see gypsies 
Girl Scouts
Girls Club 
Gitto Corp. 
Howard Glass Co.
Glass Guard Industries (Webster) 
Glavin Regional Retardation Center 
Glazier Furniture
C.J. Gleason Sons 
Glue Sniffing - see Drug Abuse 
GNK Powder Met. Inc. - see Presmet Corp. 
Goals for Americans 
Goddard Homestead- see also House for Aged Men 
Goddard Industries, Inc. 
Goddard Library - see Clark University 
Goff, Cagan & Feingold 
Golden Rule Fund
Golden Rules - see United Appeal 
Golf- Pleasant Valley PGA
Good as Gold Coffee 
Good Government - see Student Government 
Goodhue's Frozen Baking Products 
Goodwill Industries - see Morgan Memorial 
Goodwin's Carriage House 
Carl Gordon Industries
Goretti Supermarkets 
Gothic Craft Corp. 
Gould & Eberhart Corp. (Webster) 
Gould Construction Co. 
David Gould Enterprise
Judge Morris M. Gould Institute
Government (City) 
Government (County) 
Government (U.S.A.) 
Goya Foods Inc. 
Grace Community Church 
Graffiti- see also Vandalism
Graffiti Decon Inc. 
Grafton Hill 
Grafton State Hospital 
Grafton and Upton Railroad
W.W. Grainger Inc.
R.W. Granger & Sons
Granger Brothers 
Granger Construction Co. 
Granite Research Institute 
W.T. Grant Co.
Graphic Management Associates (Southboro) 
Grasseschi Plumbing & Heating 
Graton & Knight Co. 
 Graybar  Electric Co.
Great Brook Valley- see Public Housing - Great Brook Valley 
Great Canadian Canoe Co. 
Greater Worcester Community Foundation 
Greater Worcester Humanists
Greater Worcester Jaycees 
Greater Worcester Land Trust 
Greater Worcester Women's Political Caucus 
Greek Clubs 
Green Brothers of Worcester, Inc. 
George Green Electrical Corp.
Green Island (missing 2/2017)
Green Mountain Club 
Green Paint Co.
Green Street Area 
Greendale Mall 
Arnold Greene & Co.
Greenman-Pedersen Associates 
Greenman Steel Treating CO.
Greeentach Housing Co. Inc.
Greetings Service Corp. (Webster) 
L.A. Grenier Wood Heel Co. (North Rutland)
Grief Brothers Cooperage CO. 
Grievance Review Board (City) 
Grocery Manufacturers Salesman of Worcester CO. 
Grocery Trade - see Food Stores 
C.A. Grosvenor Shoe Inc.
Group Homes – see also Halfway Houses
GTC Systems 
Guarantee Mutual Insurance Co. 
Guaranty Bank and Trust Co. 
Guardian Life Insurance Co. 
Guardian Photo (Auburn)
Guidance Counselors 
Guild of St. Agnes 
Guilford Industries 
Gunsmithing - see Firearms 

Habitat for Humanity 
Hahnemann Hospital 
Hale-Moore Printing Inc. (Fitchburg) 
Halfway Houses 
Hall Club 
Hall, Inc. 
Hamblin Mfg. Co., Inc. 
Hamilton Distributing Co.
Hammond Plastics, Inc. - see Carl Gordon Industries 
Hancock Club 
Handicapped, Advisory Committee on 
Handy Pad Supply Co. 
Hang Wright Co. 
Hanlon's Shoe Store 
Hannaford Bros.
Hanover Insurance Co. 
Einer B. Hanson Co.
Henry L. Hanson
Hard-Chrome Division, Inc. 
Hardwick Kilns
L. Hardy Co.
Harlan Merchandising Corp. 
Harmony Club - see French Clubs 
Harmony World Inc.
Harr Motor Co. - see also Automotive Management Inc. 
Harrigan Press 
Harrington & Richardson Arms Co. 
Harrington Corner 
C.H. Harris & Sons (Millbury)
L.F. Harris Co.
Harrity Appliance Co. 
Hartford East Bakery 
Hartford Mills Inc. (Mendon)
Harvard Private Hospital 
E.L. Harvey & Sons
Francis Harvey & Sons
Harvey & Tracey Associates 
Hastings Ave
Hastings Drug Co. 
Haynes Welding Corp. 
Hayward Schuster Woolen Mills (E. Douglas) 
Haywood Woolen Co. (East Douglas) 
Hazardous Materials 
Head Start 
Heald Building Supplies, Inc. 
Heald Homes of Hubbardston 
Heald Machine Co. 
Health- AIDS
Health-Hepatiitis B.
Health Alliance Hospital 
Health Awareness Services of Central Massachusetts 
Health Clubs 
Health Department 
Health Foundation Of Central Mass.
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO's) 
Health Plans Inc.
Health Source CMHC - see Central Massachusetts Health Care 
Healthco Dental Supply
HealthPro Inc. 
Richard Healy Co.
Hebert Candies, Inc. 
Heffernon Press 
Heifer Project International 
Hemasure Inc. 
Henly-Kimball Co. (Shrewsbury)
Henley-Lundgren Co. (Shrewsbury) 
Henry's News Stand 
Hepatitis B - see Health - Hepatitis B 
Hersels Oriental Rug Gallery 
Hewlett Packard
Heywood Boot & Shoe Co. 
Heywood Ford, Inc. 
Heywood Shoe Store 
Heywood Wakefield CO. (Gardner) 
Hias, Inc. (Grafton) 
Higgins Armory 
Highland Street 
Highland Superstore 
Hiking--see Trailways
Hill Bronze Alloys Co. 
Hill Clothes Dryer Service 
Hills - see also Seven Hills 
Hills Sound Service 
Hippies (missing 2/2017)
Hispanic Community Center - see Spanish Community Center 
Historic Houses, etc. - see also Architecture, Historic Places 
Historic Places 
Historical Commission 
Historical Landmark Committee (missing 2/2017)
Historical Societies 
Hobbs Manufacturing Co. 
H. E. Holbrook Drop Forge
Holden Hospital 
Holden Trap Rock Co. 
Holiday Housewares
Holmes Group 
Holmes, M.D. & Sons, Inc. 
Holy Cross College
Holy Cross College Hall of Fame 
Holy Cross College Institute of Industrial Relations 
Holy Family League of Charity 
Home Association For Aged Colored People 
Home Club 
Home Cooperative Bank - see also Home Fed. & Loan Association of Worcester 
Home Depot
Home Economics Clubs 
Home Farm 
Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Worcester 
Home for Aged Men 
Home for Aged Women 
Home Inventory Liquidators
Home Owners Federal Savings & Loan Association of Boston 
Home Rule 
Home Schooling 
J. Homestock- see Levitz Furniture co.
Honematic Machine Corp. 
Honey Farms 
Honeywell Corp. 
Hood Industries Inc.
H.C. Hook Co.
HOPE (Health Oppressed for People Everywhere) 
Hope Group
Hope Lodge 
Horse Racing 
Horse Riding Clubs - see Riding Clubs 
Hospital Aid Societies 
Hospital Equipment Services 
Hospitals (In General) 
Hospitals- History
Hot Rods 
Hotels, Taverns, etc. 
- Aurora Hotel 
- Bay State House 
- Bancroft 
- Beechwood Inn 
- Best West Centrum Inn 
- Burton 
- Carlyle 
- Clarion Suites 
- Corine 
- Coronado 
- Courtyard by Marriott 
-Crowne Plaza see also Worcester Crowne Plaza
- Days Inn 
- Driftwood 
-Hampton Inn
-Hilton Garden Inn
- Holiday Inn - see also Worcester Inn 
- Holiday Inn, Lincoln Street 
- Hotel du Nord 
- Howard Johnson 
- Lee 
- MacArthur 
- Marriott - see also Worcester Crowne Plaza 
- New City 
- Newton 
- Pearl 
- Pleasant 
- Pleasant Valley 
-Residence Inn by Marriot
- Sheridan Lincoln 
- Standish 
- Travelodge - see Howard Johnson 
- University 
- Warren 
- Worcester Crowne Plaza 
-Worcester Inn
- Yankee Budget 
- Yankee Drummer (Auburn Ramada)
Houghton & Richards Inc. 
House of Doherty 
House of Faith
Housing - Aged - see Aged - Housing 
Housing - Apartments - see Apartments 
Housing - Authority - see Worcester Housing Authority 
Housing - Code - see Code Inspection Department 
Housing - Condominiums - see Condominiums 
Housing - Construction - see Construction 
Housing - Court 
Housing - Discrimination - see Discrimination in Housing 
Housing - Mobile Homes - see Mobile Homes 
Housing - Partnerships
Housing - Public - see Public Housing 
Housing - Rehabilitation 
Housing - Rent Control - see Rent Control 
Housing - Single Family Developments 
Housing - Three Deckers 
Housing - Urban Homesteading - see Urban Homesteading 
Housing Information Center - see Landlords and Tenants 
Housing Partnerships - see also Worcester Community Housing Resources 
Hovey Laundry Co. 
How Sweet It Is 
Howard Brothers Mfg. Co. 
Howard Products Inc. 
Howard-Wesson Co. 
Hudson Lock Co. 
Huguenot Memorial Society 
Huguenots - see Oxford; Huguenot Memorial Society 
Hultgren Mfg. Co. 
Human Rights - see also Civil Rights Movement 
Human Rights Commission 
Hunting Homes Corp. (Orange)
Hurricanes (missing 2/2017)
Hybridon Inc. 
Hyde Group - see also Russell Harrington Co. 
Hyde Manufacturing
Hygienic Mattress Co. 
Hygrade Fastener Corp.

I-290 – see Roads
Iaccarino & Sons Inc.
Iandoli Markets
Ice Cream 
Ice Industry 
Ice Storms
Ideal Paper Supply Co. 
Idle Wild Foods, Inc. 
IEP Inc. (Westboro) 
Ifco Systems
Ikon New England
Ilex Corp. (Marlboro)
Ilona Ltd.
Illiteracy - see Literacy 
Images Etc. (Sterling) 
Immigration and Emigration 
Imperial Distributors, Inc. 
In Step Boutique 
Incinerator (City) - see Refuse & Refuse Disposal 
Incon Inc.
Income Tax 
Incoterm Corp. (Westboro) 
Independent Boxmakers of N.E. 
Independent Lock Co. 
Independent Maintenance Contractors 
Independent Postal Systems of America 
India Society of Worcester 
Indian Hill 
Indian Lake 
Indian Lake Academy
Indiana Screw Machine Products CO.  
Indians – see Native Americans
Industrial Cases Inc. 
Industrial City Bank and Banking Co. 
Industrial City Bank and Trust Co. - see also Industrial City Bank and Banking Co. 
Industrial Development Finance Authority 
Industrial Experience, Inc. 
Industrial Foundry Corps. 
Industrial Management Council, Worcester YMCA Chapter 
Industrial Parks - see also Airport Industrial Park 
Industrial Polymers and Chemicals, Inc. (Shrewsbury) 
Industrial Stamping Co. 
Industrial Stitching Inc. 
Industrial Suppliers of New England 
Industrial Suppliers of Worcester 
Industrial Tool Engineering Company (Oxford) 
Industries- Alphabetical files 
Industry -History
Influenza (1968-69) 
Influenza- Swine Flu
Information Management Corp.
Informix - see Ardent Software, Inc. 
Injectronics, Inc. 
Inmont Corp. (Auburn) 
Innovasive Devices Inc.
Innovations, Inc. 
Inns - see Hotels, historic Housing, etc. 
Insanity - see Mental Health 
Insignia Athletics
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
Institutional Linens 
Insurance - Health 
Insurance (City) 
Insurance Agencies 
Insurance Associations 
Insurance companies - see also specific company names 
Insurance Cost Control, Inc. 
Intel Corp. 
Interfaith Center of Draft Information - see also Military Service 
Interfaith Housing Corp. 
International Artists Series
International Business Machines Co. (IBM) 
International Center 
International Clearview Plastics 
International Management Council 
International Restoration Specialists 
InterQual Inc. 
Inter-Racial Council
Interstate Brake Products 
Interstate Emergency Rescue Team 
Intrransit Container
Investment Companies 
IPG Photonics 
IPL Products Ltd. 
Iraqi Club
Irish Clubs 
Isaiah Thomas Award 
Island - see Green Island 
Isomedix Operations Inc. 
Italian Clubs 
ITT Electro Optical Products Div. 
Iver J. Erickson 
Iver Johnson Co. 
Al Ives Chevrolet
Ivy Microcomputer Corp. 
Ivy Properties
Ivy Shop 

J & D Truck Inc. 
J. Homestock - see Levitz Furniture Co. 
Jackson Sales and Manufacturing Co. 
Jail - see County House of Correction 
James River Massachusetts 
Jamesbury Corp. 
Janzten Inc. 
Jaycees - see Greater Worcester Jaycees 
Jefferson - see Holden 
Jefferson Rubber Works 
Jefferson Wire and Cable Corp.. 
Jehovah's Witness 
Jeremiah’s Hospice
Jernberg Corp. 
Jerome Engineering Co. 
Jet Blue
Jewelers & Jewelry
George H. Jewett Co.
Jewish Clubs 
Jewish Community Center 
Jewish Family Service 
Jewish Home for the Aged 
Jewish Schools 
Jewish Service Center for Older Adults 
Jimmy Fund 
Job Corps 
Job Discrimination - see Discrimination in Employment 
Job Training Partnership Act 
Jobs for Bay State Graduates 
JOBS Program 
John Augustus Hall 
John Birch Society 
John Hancock Life Insurance Co. 
John Woodman Higgins Museum - see Higgins Armory 
Johngate Fabric Artists 
Johnson & Bassett, Inc. 
Johnson Belting Co. 
Johnson - Elms Corp. (Boylston)
Johnson Funeral Home - see Caswell King Co. 
Johnson Steel & Wire Co. 
Jordan Electric Products Div. of the Electric Storage Battery Co. 
Jordan Marsh Co. 
Joy of Music Program 
July Fourth Coalition 
Junior Achievement Program 
Junior Ballet Inc.
Junior Colleges 
Junior League of Worcester, Inc. 
Justice of the Peace 
Juvenile Courts 
Juvenile Delinquency

K & D Magmotor Corp.
K-Mart Corp. 
Kangaroo Crossing 
Kansas Emigration Aid Company 
Kanzaki Special Papers
Karl Story Endoscopy
Kartiganer Hat Corp. (Upton) 
Kay Distributors, Inc.
Kay Jewelry Stores, Inc.
KayGee Signs 
Kelly Handle Co. (Clinton) 
Kelley Square 
Kelly Square Yacht Club 
Keltie Fold Club 
Kemco Corp. 
Kendall Sealer Co. 
Kenett Corp. (Westboro) 
Kenmore Transportation, Inc.
Kennedy Die Casting 
Kent Manufacturing (Millbury) 
KenWeld Co., Inc. 
Kerner Report 
Kerns Casket Company 
Kervick Enterprises
Kesseli & Morse Co. 
Keystone Electrical Co. 
Kidney Foundation of Massachusetts 
Kim's Instrument Corp. 
Kinefac Corp. 
M.L. King Business Empowerment Center 
Dr. Martin Luther King Scholarship Foundation 
Kittredge Equipment
Kiwanis Club 
Kleven Shoe Sales CO. (Spencer) 
Knights of Columbus 
Knights of Pythias 
Knights Templer 
F.A. Knowlton Inc. 
Koch Process Systems Inc. 
Koehler Mfg. Co.
Komtek Inc.
Koopman Lumber
Kopin Corp (Westboro)
Koptec USA 
Korean War
Korean War Veterans of Worcester County. (missing 2-2017)
Kranich Jewelers 
Kresge, S.S. Co. 
Kri-Cor Realty 
Krizik & Corrigan, Inc. 
Aaron Krock & Co. Inc. 
Edward Krock Industries, Inc. 
Kromolloy Corp. 
S.H. Kunin Felt Co., Inc. 
Ku Klux Klan

L & G Woodworking Co. 
L & J of New England 
LFE Corp (Clinton)
Labor News 
Labor Unions - see Unions 
Ladies Collegiate Institute 
Lake Wales Plastics Co. 
Lakes and Ponds (in general) 
Lakso Co. (Leominister) 
LaLeche League 
Lampin Corp (Uxbridge)
Lancaster Brown Co.
Lance Corp. (Hudson) 
Landlords & Tenants  
Language Teaching 
A.J. Lane Co. Inc.
LaSalette Fathers 
Laser, Inc. 
Laser Plot Inc. (Auburn)
Latin Association for Progress & Action - see ALPA 
Laundries, Commercial 
Lavigne Press 
Law Department 
Law School
Lawrence Candle Mfg. Co.
Laws, John S. Institute—see Dynamy Program
Lead Paint 
Leadership School Foundation - see Dynamy Program 
Leading Edge Products, Inc. 
League of Women Voters 
Joseph Leavitt Co.
Lebanese - see Syrians & Lebanese 
Lederman's Baking 
Leesville Pond 
Legal Aid 
Legal Societies 
Legg Mason
Legislative Council for the Elderly 
Leicester Junior College 
Leiser Inc. 
Leland Gifford Co. 
Lenco Spring Co. 
Leon Supply Co. 
Leo's Beauty Institute 
Leroux Inc. (Holden)
Levin Communicating
Levitz Furniture Co. 
Lewcott Corp. 
A. Lewis Co.
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. 
Librarian’s Clubs
Libraries - Worcester County 
License Board 
License Commission 
Life Line 
Life Science Industries
Light Infantry
Lincoln Hospital - see Doctors Hospital 
Lincoln Lounge 
Lincoln Neighborhood Center 
Lincoln Pharmacy, Inc. 
Lincoln Square
Lincoln Square Cooperative Ministry 
Lindberg Heat Treating Co.
Linders, Inc. 
Link Telecommunications, Inc. (Westboro) 
Robert Linkletter Associates 
Lion Distributors Inc.
Lions Club 
Liquor Stores 
Literacy Clubs 
Lithuanian Clubs 
Little Franciscans of Mary 
Little League Baseball 
Little League ProCard Co. 
Little Report - see Economic Conditions 
Little Sisters of the Assumption - see also Pernet Family Health Services 
Little Theatre Stage Co.
Litton Financial Printing 
Living and Learning School 
Living Here Tomorrow 
Livingston Engineering Corp. (Auburn) 
Livingston Photo Center 
Loaned Executive Program
Lockwood Products Inc.
Lodding Engineering Corp. (Auburn)
Lodging Houses 
E.M. Loews 
Logan Equipment Corp. 
Lombard White Co. 
Longden Co. (Holden) 
Lonza Group
Loring & Blake Organ Co. 
Loring Coes Co. 
Lowe’s Home Improvement
C.C. Lowell- see C.C.
J.B. Lowell, Inc
Lowell Wrench Co. 
E.B. Luce Co.
Lucent Technologies 
Lundgren Honda - see Richard's Honda 
Lundgren & Jonaitis
Lundquist Tool and Manufacturing Co., Inc. 
Lusigan Brothers 
Lutco Inc. - see Lundquist Tool and Manufacturing, Inc. 
Lutheran Churches 
- Concordia 
- Emanual 
- Faith 
- Finnish 
- Greendale 
- Highland Street 
- Quinsigamond 
- San Juan (Spanish) 
- Trinity 
- Zion 
Lutheran Home for the Aged
Lyman School 
Lynch Ryan Associates
Lynde Brook Dam 
Lyx Music Productions 

MCM Studios 
M. Brown Inc.
M&H Tire Co. (Gardner) 
M.K.M. Hosiery Co. (Rochdale) 
M& M Transportation Co. 
McCann Corp.
McCarthy Reporting Service 
McDonald's Restaurants
McElwain Co.
J.F. M MacGuffog, Inc.
McInnes John C. Co.
McLaurin-Jones Co. (Brookfield)
McMallon & Co.
McNamara Fabricating Co.
MacNeill Engineering Co. 
Machine Design Products, Inc. 
Machine Tool Industry 
Machinery Electrification, Inc. (Northboro) 
E.W. Madigan Co.
Madison Wire & Cable Corp. 
Magic & Magicians 
Magmotor Technologies
Maher, Inc. 
Mail Boxes, Etc. USA 
Main LaFrantz & Co. 
Main South 
Main South United Parish 
Main Street 
Main Street Ministry Council 
Maki, Electrical Inc. 
Mammoth Mart 
Management Clubs - see Administrative Management Soc., Worcester Chapter; Society for the 
Manchaug - see Sutton 
Manister, Inc. 
Manning Gibbs Shoe Co.  (missing 2/2017)
Charles Manoog Inc. 
Manufacturing Management Science Inc. 
Maps-Worcester County Maps
Marane Oil Co. 
Marathon House 
Marble Nye Co. 
March of Dimes - see also Polomyelitis 
Marcus CO. 
Mari Ellis Plastics Co., Inc. (West Warren) 
Mariano & Wright 
Marie’s Direct Mail
Marillac Manor - see Unmarried Mothers 
Mark Inc. 
E.F. Marsh Co.
Robert D. Marshall Carpenter Training Center 
Marshall Greene Corp. (Millbury) 
Marshall Pond 
The Mart 
Martial Arts 
Martin Luther King Jr. Business Empowerment Center
Martin Wall Covering Corp. 
Marwick, Mitchell & Co. 
Mary's Little Lamb 
Mason Research Institute 
Mason Worcester Co. 
Masonic Clubs Massachusetts (general)
Massachusetts (general)
Massachusetts Academy of Math & Science 
Massachusetts Air National Guard 
Massachusetts Association For Children with Learning Disabilities 
Massachusetts Association Of Insurance Women, Worcester Co. Group 
Massachusetts Association Of Paraplegics, Worcester Chapter 
Massachusetts Audubon Society 
Massachusetts Biomedical Initiative 
Massachusetts Biotechnology Research Institute 
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Science 
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination 
Massachusetts Consumers Organization 
Massachusetts Container Recovery Inc.
Massachusetts Credit Union Association, Inc. 
Massachusetts Dept. of Corrections - see Prisons 
Massachusetts Dept. of Education, Regional Office 
Massachusetts Dept. of Employment and Training
Massachusetts Dept. Environmental Protection 
Massaachusetts Department of Public Works
Massachusetts Dept. of Revenue 
Massachusetts Dept. of Social Services 
Massachusetts Dept. of Youth Services
Massachusetts Electric Co. 
Massachusetts Employees Association (missing 2/2017)
Massachusetts Fair Share 
Massachusetts Heart Association; Worcester Area Chapter 
Massachusetts Human Services Dept. (missing 2/2017)
Mass Land League 
Massachusetts Legislature 
Massachusetts Material Research, Inc. 
Massachusetts Microelectronics Center 
Massachusetts Mothers of Twins, Worcester Chapter 
Massachusetts National Guard Military Museum 
Massachusetts Oxygen Equipment (Westboro) 
Massachusetts Parcel Delivery System 
Mass PIRG 
Massachusetts Protective Association, Inc. 
Massachusetts Real Estate Brokers Association, Worcester Chapter 
Massachusetts Registry of Deeds (missing 2/2017)
Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles - see also Brockelman Market 
Massachusetts Save Inc. 
Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children 
Massachusetts Society for Professional Engineers 
Massachusetts State Guard 
Massachusetts State Hospitals - see also Grafton State, Westboro State and Worcester State Hospitals 
Massachusetts State Police 
Massachusetts Steel Treating Corp.. 
Massachusetts Teachers Association 
Massachusetts Technical Referral Center (WPI) 
Massachusetts Water Resources Agency (MWRA) 
Mass Wholesale Drug Co. 
Massage & Therapy Association 
Master Home Builder Association of Worcester Co. 
Master Singers of Worcester
Masterman's (Auburn) 
Matheson Apartments - see Chestnut Renewal Corp. 
Matka Corp. 
Matthews Manufacturing Co. 
Mattress Discounters 
Maurice Corp. 
Maxtor Corp.
Mayo Group
Mayor's Neighborhood Service Center 
Mayor's Prayer Breakfast 
T.J. Maxx - see Zayre's 
Mead Corp. (Gardner) 
Mead Corp. (Leominster) (missing 2/2017)
Mechanics Bancorp, Inc. - see Mechanics Bank 
Mechanics Bank 
Mechanics Hall 
Mechanics Rubber Co. 
Mechanics Savings Bank - see also Peoples Savings Bank 
Medal of Honor 
Media Resource Center 
Medical Care
Medical Center of Central Massachusetts 
Medical City 
Medical Devices Industry
Medical Examiner 
Medical Research 
Medical Research Institute 
Medical School - see  University of Massachusetts Medical School 
Medical Societies 
MediQual Inc. (Westboro) 
Mee Fashions 
Mekontrol, Inc. (Northboro) 
Melville Shoe Corp. 
Memorial Auditorium 
Memorial Grove 
Memorial Hospital 
Memorial Hospital Aid Society, Inc. High Fever Frolics 
Memorial Hospital School of Nursing 
Men's Groups 
Mended Hearts Club 
Mental Health 
Mental Hospitals - see Names of Institutions & Massachusetts State Hospitals 
Mentally Handicapped 
Mercantile Press 
Merchants & Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 
Merchants Association 
Mercy Center for Developmental Disabilities 
Merrick & Co.
Merrifield Building Trust, Inc. 
Merrifield Center – see Mentally Handicapped
Merrill and Usher Co. 
Merrill Lynch Co. 
Merrimack Laboratories 
Metals Processing Co. 
Metech International Inc.
Methane Gas Recovery 
Methodist Churches 
- Aldergate 
- Covenant 
- Epworth 
- Park Ave. 
- Quinsigamond 
- St. Andrews 
- Wesley 
Metropolitan Area - see also Regional Planning 
Metropolitan District Commission 
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 
Metropolitan Millwork 
Metropolitan Millwork & Supply Corp. (Marlboro) 
George J. Meyer Manufacturing Co. 
MICAH (Massachusetts Individuals Concerned About Housing) 
Micro-copy Service 
Micro Corp. (Westboro) 
Micro Networks Corps. 
Micro Separations Inc.
Micro-Tech Manufacturing, Inc. 
Micro Tool Co., Inc. 
MicroAmerica Inc.
Micron Medical Products Inc. 
Mid Town Mall 
Midas Muffler Stops 
Middle Atlantic Transportation 
Mid State Insurance Co. 
Migrant Workers 
Militia Activity 
Military History 
Military Service 
Military Wives of Worcester 
Mill Pond - see Smith Pond 
Mill Street 
Millbrook Distributors, Inc. 
Millbrook Processing Corp.. 
Millbury Furniture CO. 
Millbury Motor Co. 
Miller Fence Co. 
Miller Furniture Co. 
Mi-Lor Corp. (Leominster) 
Mimeograph Distributors, Inc. 
Mineral Club
Mines and Mineral Resources 
Miniature Editions 
Miniature Tool & Die Inc. 
Minister's Assns. (missing 2/2017)
Minute Tapioca Co. (Orange) 
Minutemen Chapter, U.S. Army Association 
MIR U.S.A. (Leominster) 
Missing Persons (missing 2/2017)
Miss Worcester - see Pageants 
Mr. B’s Shoe Inc.
Mr. Build
MITA Enterprises (Clinton) 
Mitchell Systems/Structural Programming Inc. 
Mobile Homes 
Model Cities Program 
Model Cities Resident Executive Council
Model Railroaders
Model Railways 
Modern Manufacturing Inc. 
Mole Hollow Candles
Monarch Spring Mfg. CO. (Shrewsbury) 
Monday Quarterback Club of Greater Worcester 
Monson Chemicals Inc. 
Montachusett - see also Regional Planning 
Montachusett Region
Montgomery Ward Co. 
Montrose Products (missing 2/2017)
Moondance Yogurt Co. (Hubbardston) 
Moore Kirk Laboratories, Inc. 
Moore Survey and Mapping Co. (Shrewsbury) 
Moose, Loyal Order #608 
More Machinists for Central Massachusetts 
Morgan Construction Co. 
Morgan Memorial 
Mormon Church 
Thomas F. Moroney Co. 
Morro Castle (Steamship) 
Mosaic Fabrications Inc. (Sturbridge) 
Mostek Corp. 
Motels - see Hotels, Taverns, Etc. 
Mothers Against Drunk Driving - see MADD/SADD 
Mother of Twins - see National Organization of Mothers of Twins 
Motion Pictures 
Motor Boats (missing 2/2017)
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Moulton Jewelry Co. 
Mount St. Ann 
Mt. Wachusett Community College 
Mountain Climbing 
Multibank Inc. - see Mechanics Bank 
Multiple Sclerosis - see also National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Worcester Co. Chapter 
Municipal Employees Association 
Municipal Government - Plan A 
Municipal Government - Plan B 
Municipal Government - Plan E 
Municipal Real Property 
James F. Murphy, Inc. 
Muscular Dystrophy 
Muscular Dystrophy Association Of America, Worcester Chapter 
Muscular Dystrophy Clinic 
Museums - see also Individual Names 
Music - see also Orchestras 
Music Festival 
Mustard Seed - see Catholic Workers 
Mutual Products Co. 
Mutual Savings Bank of Worcester 

NBG Services Inc.
NEC Information Systems
NAMECO/Worcester Stamp Co. - See Worcester Stamp Co. 
NAPPCO - see North American Pipe Products, Inc. (Northboro) 
Narcus Brothers, Inc. 
Nasoya Foods, Inc. (Leominster) 
National Alliance of Business Men, Worcester Chapter 
National Association of Accountants, Worcester Chapter 
National Association of Bank Women, Central Massachusetts 
National Association of Cost Accountants, Worcester Chapter (missing 2/2017)
National Association of Power Engineers 
National Association of Women in Construction, Worcester Chapter 
National Conference of Christians and Jews 
National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation - see also Cystic Fibrosis 
National Education for Assistance Dog Service (NEADS) 
National Envelope Corp.
National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis, Worcester Chapter - see  March of Dimes, Poliomyelitis 
National Grid- see also "Massachusetts Electric co."
National Guard - see U.S. Armed Forces 
National League of American Pen Women, Worcester Branch 
National Manufacturing Co.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Worcester County Chapter - see also Multiple Sclerosis 
National Office Management Association; Worcester Chapter 
National Organization for Non-Parents 
National Organization for Women, Worcester Chapter 
National Perforating Corp. (Clinton) 
National Safety Council, Central Mass. Chapter 
National Seat Co. (Winchendon) 
National Secretaries Association; Worcester Chapter 
National Security Institute (Westboro) 
National Society of New England Women, Worcester Chapter 
National Society of Professional Engineers 
National Standard Co.; Worcester Wire Division 
Native Americans
Native Americans-Massachusetts
Native Americans-New England
Nativity School 
Natural Friends 
Natural History Society School of Forestry - see Daniels School of Forestry and Conservation 
Nature Training School, Wendell Parker 
Nawn Enterprises, Inc. (Holden) 
Nazareth Home 
NDI—see Northeast Display
NEADS - see National Education for Assistance Dog Service 
Near East Food Products, Inc. 
NEC Information Systems 
NED Corp. 
Negroes - see African Americans
Neighborhood Legal Services 
Neighborhood Organizations 
Neighborhood Youth Corps. 
Nelmor Co., Inc. 
Neon Communications
Neried Swimming Club 
Netco Pneumatic Div. Of Catch Basin Cleaners, Inc 
NetOptix - see Galileo Corp. 
Netstel Machinery Inc. (Fitchburg) 
New Braintree 
New England Critical Care - see also Critical Care America
New England Dream Center
New England Electric System 
New England Envelope Manufacturing Co. 
New England Firearms Co. - see Harrington & Richardson Arms 
New England Grocer Supply Co. 
New England High Carbon Wire Co. 
New England Institute of Comparative Medicine 
New England Institute of Sensory Science
New England Knitting Co. 
New England Metal Treating, Inc. 
New England Metallurgical Corp. 
New England Motors 
New England Plating Co., Inc. 
New England Primate Research Center
New England Repertory Theater 
New England Roofing Co. 
New England School of Accounting 
New England Sound & Communication Inc.
New England Specialty Nut Co. 
New England Sports Science Institute 
New England Steel and Aluminum Corp. 
New England Sweeteners Inc. 
New England Telephone Co. 
New England Theatre Co.
New England Ticket Service 
New England Voice + Data
New England Wire Products 
New Horizons in School Health Committee (missing 2/2017)
New Method Plating and Enameling Co. 
New School 
New Worcester Medical Research Institute - see Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology 
New Worcester Poster Mart 
New York Envelope Corp. 
New York Trimming House 
Newberry Stores 
Newspapers - see also Individual Newspapers 
Newtel Associates 
Newton Hill - see Elm Park 
Nexar Technologies Inc.
Nexus Integrated Service Inc. 
Nichols and Stone CO. (Gardner)
Nichols College
Nichols Specialty Products 
Night Life - see Adult Education 
Niman Paper Supply 
John J. Nissen Co.
No Place For Hate
Nobility Hill 
Nordi, Wilson Associates 
Nordic Insulation Inc. 
Norse Tower (missing 2/2017)
North American Pipe Products CO. (Northboro) 
North American Rockwell Corp. 
North Andover Flight Academy
North Brookfield 
North East Optic Network (NEON) 
North Worcester Aid Society 
Northeast Battery & Altenator Inc.
Northeast Digital Recording Inc. 
Northeast Display Inc.
Northeast Field Facts 
Northeast Recycling Corp. 
Northeast Safety Product 
Northeast Savings Bank 
Northridge Furniture Co. 
Norton Co. 
Norton Village (missing 2/2017)
Norwich and Worcester Railroad 
Norwich Hall Products, Inc. 
Norwood Music - see Walberg & Auge 
Notaries Public 
Novacor - see Polysar
Nstar- see "Commonwealth gas co."
Nu England Service 
Nu Voice Club
Nuclear Power 
Nude Dancing - see also Town Names 
Numismatic Society 
Nurseries (plant) 
Nursery Schools - see Day Care Services 
Nurses and Nursing 
Nurses' Associations 
Nursing Homes 
NutraCycle Inc.
Nylwax Corp. 
Nypro, Inc. (Clinton) 
Nytech, inc. (Clinton)

Oakdale—see West Boylston
Oak Island - see Recreation Center 
Occupation Center - see Recreation
Occupational Training Center
Odd Fellows
Off Street Parking Board
Office of Cultural Affairs
Office of Handicapped Affairs
Office of Human Service Programs
Office of Planning and Community Development
Office Space
Offset Service, Inc.
O'Flynn's Stables
Oke Advanced Products
Okonite Co.
O'Laughlin Brothers (Athol)
Old Car Club
Old Colony Bank - see also Bank of Boston
Old Sturbridge Village - see Sturbridge Village
Old West Side Gang
Olektron Corp (Webster)
Olsen Mfg. Co.
Olympic Races - see Rowing 
Olympic Sports Co. 
Olympic Trophy Mfg. CO. 
Omark Industries 
Omni Multi Media Group 
Omni Resource Corp. (Millbury)
Omnirel Corp. (Leominster) 
Omnitech Inc. (Dudley) (missing 2/2017)
One Exchange Place 
One Hour Photo Inc.
One Hundred Club 
150th Celebration 
Open Door 
Open Space - see Conservation 
Openroute Networks Inc
Openservice Inc.
Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) 
Optical Archives System Inc. 
Optical Corp. of America 
Option Care 
Optometrists Associations 
Optovac, Inc. (North Brookfield) 
Ordinances (City) 
Oread Institute 
Ortech Industries (Millbury) 
Orthodox Churches 
- Russian Church of the Risen Christ 
- St. George's Cathedral 
- St. Mary's Albanian 
- St. Mary's Assyrian Apostolic 
- St. Nicholas Romanian 
- St. Spyridon's Greek 
Osgood Bradley Car Co.
Ostrow Electric Co. 
Outdoor Sports Club 
Outlet Co. 
Overeaters Anonymous 
Owens Illinois Co. 
Owl Shop
Oxfam America

Package Industries Inc. 
Package Steel Building Systems 
Packaging Technical Services Inc. 
Palladium—see theaters, Palladium
Palley Office Supply Co. 
Pan American Comm. Of Worcester 
Pan Commercial Pacific Co. 
Panama Canal – see also Biography- Stevens)
Paper Craft Co. 
Paper Making 
Paper Trading Corp. 
Par Breakers Club 
Paramount Press 
Parent Connection 
Parent Teacher Clubs 
Parents Anonymous - see also Child Abuse 
Parents Without Partners, Worcester Chapter 
Park Avenue 
Park Building - see Peoples Church Home 
Parke Davis CO. (Westboro) 
Parker Affiliated Co. 
Parker and Harper Mfg. Co. 
Parker Manufacturing Co. 
Parking - see also Off Street Parking Board 
Parking Garages 
Parking Meters 
Parking Off Street
Parkinsonian Society of Greater Worcester 
Parks (in general)
Parks - Apricot Street 
Parks - Beaver Brook 
Parks-Bell Pond (missing 2/2017)
Parks - Bennett Field 
Parks-Bovenzi Park
Parks - Boynton 
Parks - Burncoat 
Parks - Cascade 
Parks - Chandler Hill Park 
Parks - Coes 
Parks - Columbus Park 
Parks - Common - see Common 
Parks-Cookson Field
Parks - Crompton Park 
Parks - Crystal Park - see Parks - University Park 
Parks - Dodge Park 
Parks - Duffy Field 
Parks - East Park - see Parks - Chandler Hill Park 
Parks - Elm Park 
Parks - Goddard 
Parks - Green Hill Park 
Parks - Greenwood Park 
Parks - Hadwen Park 
Parks - Harrington Way 
Parks - Harry Sherry Field - see Parks - Maloney Field 
Parks-Holmes Field
Parks - Institute Park 
Parks - Kendrick Field 
Parks - Lake Park 
Parks - Lake View 
Parks - Lincoln Park 
Parks - Logan Field 
Parks - Maloney Field 
Parks - Morgan Park 
Parks - Oread Park 
Parks - Roberto Clemente Park 
Parks - Rockwood Field 
Parks - Shore Park 
Parks - South Worcester Playground - see Parks - Maloney Field 
Parks - University Park 
Parks - Vernon Hill Park 
Parks Department 
Parkway Diner 
Parson's Cider Mill 
Party 'n' Pastry Shop 
Patch's Pond 
Patrick Motors. Inc. 
Patriot Group
Patriot Metals CO. (formerly Philip Buxton) 
Patriotic Clubs 
Pat’s Service Center and Towing
Patten Co., Inc. 
Paul Hats, Inc. 
Paul Revere Life Insurance Co. - see also Mass. Protective Association 
Pawn Shops
Peace Corps, Vista, etc. 
Peace Groups - see Protest Groups 
Peace Societies
Pearson Piano Co. 
Pearson the Printer 
Peck & Peck 
Peggy Hat Salon 
Pelletier’s Building Suppy
Penn Pride CO. 
J.C. Penny Co.
Pensions (City) 
Pentecostal Churches
 - Mt. Olive 
Rock Of Salvation
People Against Racism 
People's Church Home 
People's Forum (missing 2/2017)
Peoples Savings Bank - see also Mechanics Savings Bank 
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Worcester 
Pepsinic Seltzer Corp. 
Perfection Ballot Box Co. 
Performance Polymers Inc.
Performing Arts School of Worcester 
Peripheral Data Systems 
Perkins & Butler 
Charles A Perkins Co. 
Perkins Farm Conservation Area
Perkins School (Lancaster) 
Pernat Family Health Services - see also Little Sisters of the Assumption 
Ken Perro & Sons Inc.
Personnel Department 
Personnel Directors Council 
Personnel Management Association of Central Massachusetts 
Personnel Relations Review Board 
Pest Control
Peter Lumber Co. 
P.H. Pfeiffer Co. Inc.
Phalo Corps. (Shrewsbury) 
Pharm – Eco Labratories
Pharmacists Associations 
Phenyo Ceffein Company
Phillip L. Buxton Co.
Phillips Tool and Manufacturing Co. 
Phippscraft Co. (Leicester) 
Phoenix Club 
Phoenix Community Services 
Phoenix Distributors 
Phoenix Forum 
Photopanels of New England, Inc. 
Physically Handicapped - see Handicapped 
Phytera Inc.
Piano & Organ Co. 
Pick Robotics Inc. 
Pictorial Works 
Piedmont Area 
Piedmont Center for the Arts - see Summer's World Center for the Arts 
Piedmont Center of Natural History - see Worcester Natural History Society 
Piedmont Citizens for Action 
Piedmont Neighborhood Council 
Piedmont Opportunity Center 
Pier One Imports 
Pilgrim Pipe Industries 
Pink Flamingo- see Union Products, Inventions
Pinkerton Detective Agency 
Plan E. Government - see Municipal Government - Plan E, see also Citizens Association
Planetary Minds 
Planned Parenthood League 
Planning Board 
Planning Department - see also City Planning; Office of Planning and Comm.. Development 
Plastic Card Systems
Plastic Systems Inc. (Marlboro)
Plasticraft Corp. 
Plastics Academy Products 
Plastics Again (Leominster) 
Plastics Industry
Platinum Premier Gentlemen’s Club 
Platter Place Records 
Players Club of Worcester 
Plaza Club 
Plumley Village - see Apartments - Plumley Village 
Plywood Ranch 
P.M. Manufacturing Co.
Pobco, Inc. 
Poetry - see also Worcester County Poetry Assn. 
Poets Hill 
Poison Information Center 
Polar Ginger Ale Co. 
Polep - Western Mass. Tobacco & Candy Co. 
Police Associations 
Police Brutality – see also Human Rights; Police Department 
Police Department 
Police, Special 
Police, Worcester County 
Polini's Bakery 
Poliomyelitis - see also March of Dimes 
Polish Clubs 
Polish National Church of the Good Shepard 
Polish People 
Political Action Committees (PAC) 
Political Clubs 
Political Parties - see also Democrats; Republican Party 
Pollution - see also Air Pollution; Water Pollution 
Polus Center
PolyCarbon Industries
Polyclad Laminate Inc. (Millbury) 
Polyfoan Corp (Westboro)
Polysar Inc. (Leominster) 
Polyvinyl Films 
Pomco Associates 
Ponds - see Lakes and Ponds 
Poor Farm- see Home Farm
Port of Worcester 
Post Card Club of Central Mass. 
Post Office 
Power and Control Engineering Inc. 
Prager Co. 
Pratt and Inman, Inc. (Auburn)
Pratt & Whitney Precision Grinding 
Prayer, Citizens For and Against 
Precise (Holden)
Presbyterian Churches 
Prescription Parents 
Preservation Worcester—see also Worcester Heritage/Preservation Society
Presmet Corp. 
Price Brothers Engineering Corp. 
Price Chopper Supermarkets
Price Lifeskills Institute 
Prifti's Candies 
Prime Computer Inc. 
Prime Value Mart 
Princeton Co.
Princeton Prototype
Printers Equipment Exchange 
Printpak, Inc. (West Boylston) 
Priority Mfg. Corp. 
Prisons - see also County House of Correction 
Prisons - History 
Private Industry Council
Private Schools - see also Names of Individual Schools; Catholic Schools 
Probus Club 
Process Systems International 
Proctor + Gamble
Profit Sharing 
Progressive Party of Worcester 
Progressive Tool & Die Co. (Shrewsbury) 
Project Equality 
Project Involve 
Proof, Inc. 
ProPark Co. 
Proportional Representation 
Proposition 2 1/2 - see also Finance by year 
Prospect House 
Proteon Inc.
Protest Groups 
Protocal Communications Services
Prouty Printing - see Commonwealth Stationers 
Providence and Worcester Railroad 
ProWalker Co. 
Prudential Life Insurance Co. 
PSE Inc.
Public Buildings Bureau - see Code Inspection Dept. 
Public Health - see also Health 
Public Health and Code Inspection Department 
Public Housing 
Public Housing - Great Brook Valley 
Public Housing - Lakeside 
Public Housing - Lincolnwood 
Public Housing - St. Nicholas Trust 
Public Housing - Turnkey 
Public Inebriate Program (PIP) - see also Alcoholism 
Public Library 
Public Library - Architecture 
Public Library - Architecture 
Public Library - Mural 
Public Opinion Polls 
Public Records 
Public Rest Rooms 
Public Safety
Public Welfare 
Public Works Department 
Publishers and Publishing 
Publisher's Service Corp. (Webster) 
Puerto Ricans - see Spanish Speaking 
Puerto Rico (missing 2/2017)
Pullman Standard Car Mfg. Co. 
Puppets & Puppetry
Purchasing Department 
Purchasing Management Association of Worcester 
Purgatory Chasm - see Sutton 
A.I. Purington Co.
Puritan Industries, Inc.
Putnam Pipe Corp. 

Quabbin Reservoir 
Quabaug Rubber Co. 
Quality Seafoods Inc.
Quantum Corp.
Quest Communications Corp.
Quinsigamond Boat Club 
Quinsigamond Church
Quinsigamond Community College 
Quinsigamond Lake 
Quinsigamond Village 
Quota Club

B.S. Roy Div. - see Smith-Roy Inc. 
R & A Machinery Co., Inc. 
R & D Products (Missing 2/2017)
R & H Machinery Co., Inc. 
RJV Plastics Co. (Marlboro)
R & R Plumbing Supply 
RXI Pharmaceuticals (missing 2/2017)
Rabbits - see Worcester County Rabbit Breeders Assn. 
Racal-Redac Inc. (Fitchburg) 
RAD Lock Co. 
Radio Broadcasting 
Radio Maintenance Supply Co. 
Radio Shack 
Radio Stations (in general) 
Radio Stations- 
Radio Stations 
Radius Products Development (Clinton)
T.J. Rafferty & Co.
Railroad Associations 
Railroad- History
Railroad Stations 
Railroads - see also Providence and Worcester Railroad; Norwich and Worcester Railroad 
Rainbow Girls 
Ralphco, Inc. 
Ramsdell Industrial Supply Co. 
Randwall Instruments (Southbridge) 
Rand-Whitney Corp. (Leominster) 
Ranor Inc. 
Rape Crisis Center 
Raschel's Inc. 
Rasmussen Shoe Co. 
Rawson Mfg. Co. 
Raymond's Tire Center 
Raytheon Co. 
REA Express Co. 
Read and Co., Inc. 
Reading Club
Reading Institute 
Reading is Fundamental 
Real Estate Business 
Realty House 
Reciprocity Club 
Recombinant DNA Research - see UMASS Medical School; Worcester Foundation; WPI 
Record Corp. of New England (Webster) 
Recording Business
Recovery, Inc. 
Recreational Vehicles 
Recycling Enterprises Inc.
Red Cross, Worcester Chapter 
Red Men, Improved Order 
Redemption Rock 
Redevelopment - see City Planning 
Redevelopment Authority
Redistricting - see Election Districts 
Reed & Prince Mfg. Co. 
Reed Plastics Corp. 
Reed Prentice Corp. 
Reed Rico (missing)
Reed Rolled Thread Die Co. (Holden) 
Refuse and Refuse Disposal 
Regal Crown Foods
Regal Shoe Co.
Regina Coeli (Fitchburg)
Regional committee on Criminal Justice
Regional Educational Opportunity Center
Regional Environmental Council 
Regional Planning
Registrar of Voters
Rehabilitation Center of Worcester
Reichert Fiber Optics (Southboro)
Reliable Cash Register
Reliable Screw Machine Products Co.
Religion in the Public Schools
Reliance Electric Company (Marlboro)
Registry of Deeds
Reliant medical group- see fallon clinic
RenaMed Biologies Inc.
Rent Control
Rent Review Board
Repco Inc. 
Reproductive rights
Republican Party
Rescue, Inc. 
Research Bureau
Reservoirs - see also Water Supply; Quabbin Reservoir 
Rest Home Association 
Restaurants, Lunchrooms, etc. 
Retail Stores - see Stores 
Retarded - see Mental Retardation 
Retirement Board (City and County) 
Revaluation (City) 
Revaluation (County)
Revenue Sharing - see Finance (City) 
Revet Environmental and Analytical Laboratories 
Revolutionary War 
Rex Monuments 
Rexnord, Inc. 
R & D Products Corp.
Rice, Barton Corp. (missing 2/2017)
Rich Products Corp.
Richard's Honda 
Richken of New England Inc. 
Ricky Bra Co. 
Riding Clubs 
Rifle Range 
Riker Jaynes Drug Store 
Riley Stoker Corp. 
Risdon Corp. 
Riverdale Mills Corp. 
Rivers- see also Names of Specific Bodies of Water 
Roads - Private 
- Route 2 
- Route 9 
- Route 12 
- Route 13 
- Route 20 
- Route 31 
- Route 32 
- Route 49 (Podunk Pike) 
-Route I-84
- Route 122 
- Route 140 
- Route 146 
- Route I 190 
- Route I 290 
- Route I 395 
- Route I 495 
- Mass. Turn Pike (Route 90) 
Roads -County
Rob-Roy Coiffure Inc. 
Robbins Grain Co. (Oxford) 
Robert Hall Clothes 
Robert Industries, Inc. 
Robinson Metal Co., Inc. 
Robinson Thread CO. 
Rochdale - see Leicester; Oxford 
Rockbestos Suprenant Mfg—see Suprenant Mfg.
Rocketry Clubs 
Rockets (missing 2/2017)
Rockport CO. (Marlboro) 
Rockwell Woolen Co.
Rockwood Industries (Athol) 
Rockwood Sprinkler Co. - see Bliss - Rockwood Div; Firematic Sprinkler Co. 
Rodney Hunt Machine Co. (Orange) 
Roller Skating 
Rome Plastic Specialties, Inc. 
Romeo J. Ratte Co. 
Rona Plastics Corp. of Mass. (Leominster) 
Rongene Precision Products, Inc. 
Rooming Houses - see Lodging Houses 
Rose Family Enterprises - see also The Fair 
Ross Brothers Co. 
Rotary Clubs 
Rotman Plastics 
Rotman's Furniture Co. 
Rovac Corp. 
Rower Dental Supply - see Healthco Dental Supply 
Roxbury Carpet Co. 
B.S. Roy Div- see Smith-Roy Inc.
Royal Institutional Services - see Institutional Linens, Inc. 
Royal Worcester Corset Co. 
Royalston Camera Works, Inc.
Rozefsky, Inc. 
Rubbish Removal - see Refuse and refuse removal 
Runar West Engineering CO. 
Rural Housing Improvement 
Russell Harrington Cutlery Inc. 
Russell Mfg. Co. (Leicester) 
Rutland Heights Hospital 
Rutland Prison Camp Hospital 
Rutland State Hospital Sanatorium - see Rutland Heights Hospital 
Rutland Training Center 
RXJ Pharmaceuticals
Ryan's Bake Shop 
Ryder Truck Rental 

Sack Storage Co. 
Safety Fund Bank
Safety-Kleen Corp. 
Saint Ann's Orphanage - see Mt. Saint Ann 
Saint Benedict Center 
Saint Camilius Hospital 
Saint Cyr Cosmetics 
Saint Francis Homes 
Saint Gabriel Music School 
Saint-Gobain—see Norton Co.
Saint Joseph's Abbey 
Saint Joseph's Home 
Saint Marks School 
Saint Pierre Manufacturing Corp. 
Saint Spyridon
Saint Vincent de Paul Society 
Saint Vincent Hospital 
Saint Wulston Society 
Salaries (City) see also Wages 
Salisbury Mansion 
Salisbury Pond 
Salisbury Street 
Saloom Furniture Co. 
Salter Secretarial School 
Saltus Press 
Salvation Army 
Samaritans, Ancient Mystic Order of 
Samuel Bent LLC
Sandler Ette (Webster) 
(Eli) Sandman Co. - see also Lewcott Corp. 
Sani-mate Supply Inc. 
Sanitory Inc. Corp. 
(S.M.) Sargeant 
Satcon Technology Corp.
Savers Cooperative Bank 
Savings Bank Women of Mass. 
Sawyer, W. H. Lumber Co. & Sawyer's Home Center 
Sawyer School of Business 
S.A.Y. Industries (Leominster)
Sayles & Jank Co. (Warren) 
Scandinavian Athletic Club (SAC) 
Scholarships, Fellowships & Loans 
School Arts Magazine 
School Business Partnership 
School Choice 
School Committee 
School of the Performing Arts - see Performing Arts School of Worcester 
School Street Storage CO. 
School Volunteers for Worcester 
- Administration & Organization 
- Alternative School 
- Attendance 
- Bilingual Program 
- Buses 
- Chapter 622 - see Sports, Equal Opportunity 
- Catholic - see Catholic Schools 
- Condoms - see Sex Education 
- Curriculum 
- Dental Clinics 
- Discipline 
- Districts 
Arts Magnet see St. Nicholaus Ave
Schools - Elementary School (in general) 
- Abbott Street 
- Adams Square 
-Adams Street
- ALL School 
- Andover Street 
- Belmont Street (old) 
- Belmont Street Community 
- Blithewood Avenue 
- Bloomingdale 
- Burncoat 
- Cambridge - Canterbury 
- Canterbury Street 
- Chandler Magnet 
- Chandler Street 
- Chandler - Oxford - Winslow 
- City View 
- Clark Street Community 
- Columbus Park 
- Dartmouth Street 
- Dix Street 
- Downing Street 
- East Kendall Street 
- Edgeworth Street 
- Elizabeth Street 
- Elm Park Community 
- Flagg Street 
- Freeland Street 
- Gage Street 
- Gates Lane 
- Goddard 
- Grafton Street 
- Granite Street 
- Greendale 
- Harlow Street 
- Heard Street 
- Indian Hill 
- Jacob Hiatt 
- Lake View 
- Lamartine 
- Ledge Street 
- Lee Street 
- Lincoln Street 
- McGrath 
- Malvern Road 
- Mason Street 
- May Street 
- Middlesex Avenue 
- Midland Street 
- Mill Street & Swan Ave. 
- Millbury Street 
- Nelson Place 
- New Ludlow Street 
- Norrback 
- Oxford Street 
- Providence Street 
- Quinsigamond 
- Rice Square 
- Roosevelt 
- St. Nicholas Ave. 
- Sycamore Street 
- Tatnuck 
- Thomas Street 
- Thorndyke Street 
- Union Hill 
- Upsala 
- Vernon Hill 
- Ward Street 
- Wawecus Road 
- Webster Square 
- West Boylston 
- West Tatnuck 
- Winslow Street 
- Woodland Street 
Schools - Enrollment 
Schools - Equal Rights 
Schools - Finance 
Schools - Food 
Schools - Guidance 
Schools - High (in general) 
- Burncoat 
-Claremont Academy
- Classical 
- Classical & English 
- Commerce 
- Doherty 
- English 
- North 
- South 
- South Community 
Schools - History 
Schools - JROTC 
Schools - Junior High (in general) 
- Burncoat 
- Chandler 
- Forest Grove 
- Grafton Street 
- Harrington Way 
- Providence 
Schools - Kindergarten 
Schools - Libraries 
Schools - Middle Schools 
Schools - Middle Schools - East 
Schools - Middle Schools - Sullivan 
Schools - Physical Education Program 
Schools - Religion - see Religion in Public Schools 
Schools - Salaries 
Schools - School Day Length 
Schools - School Year Length 
Schools - Security
Schools - Sex Education - see Sex Education 
Schools - Special Education 
Schools - Student Rights 
Schools - Summer School 
Schools - Teachers 
Schools - Television 
Schools - Text Books 
Schools - Traffic 
Schools - Transitional School 
Schools - University Park Campus 
Schools - (County) 
- Enrollment (missing 2/2017)
- Bay Path Vocational 
- Blackstone Valley Regional 
- Wachusett Regional 
Schott CMC Fiber Optics Inc.
Science Center 
Science Fairs 
Science Investment Inc. 
Angelo Scola & Co. 
Scrap Metal Industry 
Scrimgeour Electric Co. 
Seabrook Nuclear Plant (local news) - see Nuclear Power 
Sears Island 
Sears, Roebuck Co. 
Secretaries' Associations 
Security Engineered Machine Co. 
Security Storage of Worcester 
Selig Manufacturing CO. (Leominster) 
Sem-Tec Inc. 
Semecom Precision Industries
Senak Co. of Worcester Inc. 
Senior Center 
Senior Whole Health
Sentry Publishing Co. 
Septicom Inc. (Marlboro)
Sepracor Inc. 
September 11th, 2001
Sequoia Systems Inc.
Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) 
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) (missing 2/2017)
Service Network Inc. (Princeton) 
Service Stations 
Sessions Funeral Home 
Seven Hills 
Seven Hills Foundation
Seven Hills Plaza 
Seventh Day Adventist Church 
Sewers & Sewage - see also Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement District 
Sex Education 
Sex Offenders (missing 2/2017)
Sexual Abuse - see Child Abuse; Child Abuse - Clergy; Crimes; Crimes - Rape 
Sexual Harassment 
Shack's Clothes 
Shakespeare Clubs 
R.G. Shakour, Inc. 
Sharfman's Jewelers 
Sharing Our Survival 
H.E. Shaw CO. 
Shaw's Supermarket Inc. 
Shamut Worcester County Bank 
Shay's Rebellion 
Sheet Metal Specialties Co. 
Shepherd Knapp School 
Sheppard Envelope CO. 
C.T. Sherer, Inc. 
Sheriff's Assns. 
L.N. Sherry Co.
Shields Industry 
Shipley Co. (Marlboro) 
Shoe Industry 
Shoppers Spree 
Shopping Centers - see also Worcester Center 
Shredded Wheat Co. 
Shrewsbury Dog Training Club
Shrewsbury Street 
Shrine Club 
Siegal & West Associates 
Siemens Metal Technologies
Signal Environmental Systems 
Simonds Cutting Tools
Simonds Industries 
Simplex Time Recorder Co. (Gardner) 
J. Frank Sims Cab Co. 
Sincerely Yours 
Singles Groups 
Sister Cities - see also Worcester-Puskin Sister City Project Newsletter (Worcester Rm. Mag. Collection) 
Sisters for Christian Community 
Sisters of Mercy 
Sisters of Notre Dame De Namur
Sisters of Our Lady of Good Counsel 
Sisters of Providence
Sisters of Saint Joseph 
Sjogren Industries (Oxford)
Sjogran Tool & Machine Co. 
Skin Diving 
Skis & Skiing 
Sky Diving - see Parachuting 
Skyline Engineers, Inc. 
SLA - Dust (Boylston) 
Slavery in the U.S. - see Underground Railroad 
Sleeper & Hartley, Inc. 
Slonimsky & Ritz Delicatessen 
Slovin Co. 
Small Business Administration 
Small Business Development Center 
Small Business Service Bureau 
Smalley Toyota 
Smartfoods Inc. (Marlboro) 
(C.K.) Smith & Co. 
(E.T.) Smith & Co. 
James Smith & Sons, Inc. - see also Smith-Roy, Jr. 
Thomas Smith Co. 
Smith Pond 
Smith-Roy, Inc.
Smith Valve CO. (Westboro) 
Smoke Detectors, Sprinklers, etc. 
Smokestack Place 
Snell Mfg. Co. 
Snider Food & Storage, Inc. (Sutton) 
Snow Removal 
Soap Box Derby 
Social Life 
Social Security 
Social Service Corp. 
Social Services - see also Community Services of Greater Worcester, Inc. 
Social Services Planning Corp.
Social Statistics - see Community Studies 
Social Workers Associations 
Sociedad Cultural Hispana 
Society for Literature and Science
Society for the Advancement of Management, Worcester Chapter 
Society for the Preservation & Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America, Worc. Chapter 
Society of American Magicians, Worcester Assembly 
Society of Carbide Engineers 
Society of Friends - see Quakers 
Society of Reproduction Engineers 
Sock & Buskin Storefront Theater
Socony - Vacuum Oil Co. 
Solar Chemical Corporation of Leominster 
Solar Energy 
Solar Steel Co. (Auburn)
Solarium Suntan Center 
Solectron Corp. 
Solomon Glass, Inc. 
Soltaics Engineering, Inc. 
Solvation, Inc. (Westboro) 
Soma Group
Somerset Diagnostic Center 
Somerville Lumber
Sons of the American Revolution 
Soroptomists Club 
Sound West 
South Middlesex Opportunity Council  (SMOC) –see also Public Inebriate Program00
South Worcester 
Southeast Asians 
Southville - see Southboro 
Southwick, Albert-columns
Southwick Zoo
Southern Worcester Co. Health Association - see Tuberculosis; Worcester Co. Health Association 
Sovereign Bank 
Space Suits - see Clark, David M. Co. 
Spalco International Ltd. (Uxbridge_ 
Spanish American War (missing 2/2017)
Spanish Clubs and Associations 
Spanish Community Center 
Speakers Clubs 
Specialized Software International 
Specialty Manufacturing Corp. 
SpecTran Corp. (Sturbridge) 
Spectro Inc. (Fitchburg) 
Spectrum House 
Spectrum Office Interiors 
Speedy Muffler King 
Spelunker Clubs 
Spence's Cleaning Service 
Spencer Products Inc. (Spencer) 
Spence’s Cleaning Service
Spiritualism - see Occult 
Sport Cap Manufacturing Co. 
Sports - see also name of specific sport 
Sports Alive
Sports, Equal Opportunity (Chapter 622) 
Sports Center - see Civic Center 
Sprague Electric Co. 
Sprague-Fitton Opticians 
Square Dancing 
Stafford - Hamilton Machinery Corp. 
Stafford Iron Works 
Stage Coaches 
Stained Glass Windows 
Stainless Steel Coating Inc. 
Stanco Tool & Die Co. (Southbridge) 
Standard Foundry Co. (formerly Chromalloy American) 
Standard Ice Co. 
Standard Lock & Manufacturing Co. 
Standard Paper Goods Manufacturing Co.
Standard Yarn Co. 
Stanfast Inc. (missing 2/2017)
Stanley Tools
Stanley Woolen Co. 
Stanton Tool & Manufacturing Co. 
Star Dry Goods 
Star-Tek Div.
L.S. Starrett Co. (Athol) 
State Club of Massachusetts 
State of Maine Club (missing 2/2017)
State Mutual Life Assurance Co. 
State Mutual Securities Trust
State Office Building 
State Opticians, Inc. 
State Parks & Reservations 
State Police - see Massachusetts State Police 
Statues - see Monuments 
Steam Music Co. 
Steel Industry
Steel Shearings & Baling Co. 
M. Steinert & Sons 
Stephen Co. 
William C. Stephens Co. 
Sterling Confectionary Co. 
Sterling Media Associates 
Sterling Peat & Loam Co. 
Stetson Home for Boys 
Stevens Linen Association, Inc. (Dudley) 
Stevens, S.P. Manufacturing Co. –see Sjogren Industries (Oxford)
Stevens Sportswear Co. (Southbridge) 
Stevens Walden, Inc. 
Stewart Boiler Works 
Stewart Skinner Co.
G.E. Stimpson Co. 
Stobbs Press 
Stone & Berg Lumber Co. 
H.J. Stone & Sons 
Stop & Shop Co. 
Stores - see also Food Stores; Liquor Stores, Pharmacies, Names of Specific Stores 
Strand's Ski Shop 
Strategic Systems Group Inc.
Stratus Computers Inc. 
Street, Bureau of
Street Hockey 
Street Lighting 
Street Railway - see Worcester Street Railway Co. 
Streets - see Roads 
Strikes (Miscellaneous Industries) - see also Name of Struck Company 
Stryker Biotech
Stuarts Dept. Store 
Stubbs Collection - see Public Library 
Student Achievement Institute 
Student Business Forum 
Student Program for Urban Development (S.P.U.D.) 
Students Against Drunk Driving - see MADD/SADD 
Sturbridge Village 
Stylon Corp. (Milford) 
E.A. Sullivan Co. 
Summer's World 
Summer's World Center for the Arts 
Summit Steel Co. Inc. 
Sunday Legislation 
Sunrise Beverage Co. 
Supercon Inc. (Shrewsbury) 
Supermarkets - see Food Stores 
Supreme Plating Co. 
Suprenant Mfg. Co. (Clinton) 
Surabian Advertising, Inc. 
Sutherland Smoke House Products 
Svea Baking Co. 
Swan Printers 
Swan Technologies
Sweet Adelines 
John E. Swenson Co, Inc. 
Swift & Co. 
Swine Flu- see Influenza-Swine flu
Swiss Fabric Outlet 
Swiss Services Inc. (Shrewsbury) 
Sydon, Ltd. 
Sylvia Shoe Co. 
Synagogues & Temples 
- Beth Israel 
- Shaarai Torah 
- Sons of Jacob 
- Temple Emmanual 
- Temple Sinai 
- Temple Sons of Israel 
- Tifereth Israel (missing 2/2017)
- Tifereth Israel - Sons of Jacob (Yeshiva)
Synergy Institute 
Syrians & Lebanese 
Sytron Corp. (Marlboro)

TBV, Inc. - see Titanium Ball Valve, Inc. 
TSI - see Transgenic Sciences Inc. 
T.M. Electronics, Inc. 
Tabor Organ Co. 
Table Talk, Inc. 
Talbert Trading Corp.
Tamor Plastics
Target Stores 
Tax Increment Financing 
Tax Title Property - see Municipal Real Property 
Taxation (City) - see Finance (City) 
Taxation (County) - see Finance (County) 
Taxes, Collector of - see Treasurer and Collector of Taxes 
Tay Sachs Disease
Taylor and Farley Organ Co. 
Taylor and Sons Inc. (Hudson) 
Tea Party
Teachers - see Schools - Teachers 
Teachers Associations - see also Worcester County Teachers Assn; Education Assn. Of Worcester 
Teachers Store 
Techman International
Technical & Logical Consultants (TLC Inc.)
Technographics Fitchburg Paper Inc. - see Fitchbury Paper Co. 
Technology Container Corporation
Teen-age Parents 
TEK Bearing Co. 
Telecast Fiber Systems
Telechron Company
Tele-Comm of Worcester, Inc. 
Telegram & Gazette 
Telemarketing Resource Center 
Telephone Pioneers of America 
Telephone Services 
Telephones - see New England Telephone Co. 
Television, Cable 
Television Public Access 
Teller Environmental Systems, Inc. - see Morgan Construction Co. 
Temperance - see also Women's Christian Temperance Union 
Temple & Stewart Co. 
Templeton Clock Co. 
Tenants - see Landlords and Tenants 
Tenisitron Inc. (Harvard) 
Tents for Rent (Webster) 
Test Devices Inc.
Textile Industry 
Thayer Bird Museum (Lancaster) 
Theater District
Theaters (in general) 
- Bijou 
- Capital 
- Drive-In 
- Elm Street 
- Family 
- Fine Arts 
- Gem 
- Greendale 
- Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts- see also Showcase
- Hight Tor 
- Lincoln Players 
-Loews Poli- see Showcase
-New Park
- Paris 
-Park Theater
- Piper's 
- Plymouth 
- Red Barn 
- Rialto 
- Royal 
- Showcase 
- Showcase Cinemas North 
- Summer 
- Theater-in-the-Round 
-Theatre Unlimited
- Webster Square 
- Whalem Play House 
-White City
- Worcester Center Cinemas 
- Worcester County 
- Worcester Theater (Exchange Street) 
Thermo Electron Corp. (Auburn) 
Thermo Engineering Inc. 
Thermo Fibertek, Inc. 
Thermoplastics Co., Inc. 
Third Order of St. Francis 
Third World Jobs Clearinghouse 
This is Worcester… 
Thom McAnn Co. - see Melville Shoe Co. 
Isaiah Thomas Award
Thompson, CT
Thompson Wire Co. (also Thompson Steel Co.) 
3COM Corp. 
Three Deckers - see Housing - Three Deckers 
Tilden Yates Laboratories, Inc. 
Tire Kingdom 
Titanium Ball Valve Inc. 
T.M. Electronics Inc.
Toastmasters Clubs 
Toltec –see Stearns Linens
Tony's News Store 
Toomey, R.J. Co. 
Toomey Rents - Sells Inc. 
Top Value Redemption Store 
Torch Club 
Tornadoes (missing 2/2017))
Torrey Razor Co. 
Torrington Co. (Orange) 
Toupin's Bakery and Restaurant 
Touraine Fashion Store 
Tower Hill - see Worcester County Horticultural Society 
Town Broom Manufacturing Co (Spencer) 
Townsend Inc.
Toys 'R' Us 
Track Athletics 
Trade Unions - see Unions 
Trading Stamps 
Traffic Control and Signal Co. 
Traffic Engineering 
Transatlantic Wives 
Transcendental Meditation 
Transgenic Sciences Inc. 
Transportation (in general) 
Trappists (missing 2/2017)
Travel Agents 
Traveler's Aid Society 
Travelers Auto Body Co. 
Travelers Insurance Co. 
Treasurer and Collector of Taxes 
Trellis Communication Corp. 
Tri-Plating, Inc. 
TriStar Corp. 
TriStar Sports Wear 
Tri Sum Potato Chip Co. 
Trolleys - see Worcester Street Railway Co. 
Trubor Manufacturing CO. 
Trucking Companies 
Trucklease Corp. - see Automotive Management Inc. 
Tucker and Rice, Inc. 
Tucker Manufacturing Co. (Leominster) 
Tuckerman Hall 
Tuesday Luncheon Club 
Tupperware Division (missing 2/2017)
Turnpike, Massachusetts - see Roads 
Trumbull Square
Turo Pasta Shoppe 
Tuscaroro Inc.
Tuthill Energy
Tweeter, Etc. 
Twenty Associates 
Twombly Associates 
Tyco International –see Simplex Time Recorder Co.

U-Haul Co. 
Ultra Hard Products 
UMass Memorial Health Care - see also University of Mass. Medical School Memorial Hospital 
Uncle Sam's Pawnbrokers 
Underground Church - see Floating Parish 
Underground Railway 
Undertakers and Undertaking - see Funeral Rites and Ceremonies 
Unemployment - see Employment 
Unican Plastics, Co., Inc. (Shrewsbury) 
Union Associates, Inc. (Fitchburg) 
Union Butterfield Div. (Athol) 
Union Furniture Co. (missing 2/2017)
Union Music Inc. 
Union Place 
Union Products
Union Station – also at History Desk - see also Convention Center 
Union Tool Co. (Orange) 
Union Twist Drill Co. (Athol) - see Union Butterfield Div. 
- Amalgamated Transit Workers 
- Health Care 
-International Association of Fire Fighters
- Musicians 
- National Association of Government Employees 
- Post Office 
- Service Employees International, Local 495 (missing 2/2017)
- Teamsters 
- United Steelworkers 
Unisource Worldwide
Unisyn Inc.
Unitarian Churches 
United Appeal 
United Art Galleries 
United Cerebral Palsy Association of Worcester 
United Chevrolet, Inc. 
United Chevrolet -Toyota
United Commercial Travelers, Worcester Branch 
United Components of New England, Inc. 
United Lens Inc. (Southboro) 
United Nations 
United Parcel Service, Inc. 
United Plastic
United Service Organization (USO) 
United Solutions
United States - Armed Forces 
United States - Bankruptcy Court 
United States - Congress 
United States District Court 
United States Electricar Corp. (Athol) 
United States Envelope Co. 
United States - Federal Bureau of Investigation 
United States Federal Mediation Office 
United States Spring Co. 
United States Steel Co. 
United States - Wars - see Names of Individual Wars 
United Structural Steel Co. 
United Way of Central Mass. - see also Community Services of Greater Worcester 
United Wire & Cable Corp. 
United World Federalists 
Universal-Cyclops Steel Corp. 
Universal Metal Corp.
Universal Scrapmetal Corp.
Universalist Church - All Souls 
Universalist Church - First 
Universities and Colleges - see also Names of Specific Colleges 
University Camera 
University Club 
University of Massachusetts Medical School 
University of Massachusetts Westboro 
Unmarried Mothers 
Union Furniture Co.
Unum Provident-see Also Paul Revere Corp.
Up-To-Date Tool Co. 
Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement District 
Upward Bound 
Urban Homesteading 
Uxbridge Knitting Co. 
Uxbridge Plastics, Inc. 
Uxbridge Worsted Co. - see Emile Bernat & Sons (Uxbridge)

VTT Properties – see Biography- Theodorakas, Vaios
Vacations (City) 
Vaillancourt Folk Art
Valkyrie Mfg. Co. 
Valtec Corp. 
Valve Components, Inc. 
Van Brode Industries - see also Weetabix Co. 
Van Dorn Plastic Machinery Co. 
Van Huffle Eastern (Gardner) 
Van Slett Advertising Co. (missing 2/2017)
Van/Go Graphics
Vatco Mfg. Co. 
Vee-Arc Corp. (Westboro) 
Vellumoid Co. 
Vending Machines 
Venereal Disease 
Venmill Industries (Webster)
Vernon Drug Co. 
Vernon Hill 
Vertipile Inc. (Leominster) 
Veterans Administration (U.S.) 
Veterans Associations - see also American Legion Clubs 
Veterans Service Dept. 
Veterinary School 
Victor Electronics Corp. 
Victor Management - see Rose Family Enterprises 
Victory Supermarket 
Video Recording 
Video Stores 
Viewlogic Systems Inc.
Viko Shoe Co. 
Violence Prevention
Viomedics Inc. 
Visions 2000 
Visiting Nurses Association of Worcester 
Visitors, Famous - see Biography 
Vitek Aviation 
Vocational Education 
Vocational Schools
- David Hale Fanning 
- Monty Tech
- Vocational Technical High 
- W.I.T.I. 
Vogue Wall Coverings, Inc. (Fitchburg) 
Voice of the Faithful
Voluntary Action Center 
Volunteers for International Development 
Volunteers of America (missing 2/2017)
Voting Machines 

W.A.S.A. International LTD.
W & B Industries
WRTA - see Worcester Regional Transit Authority 
W & B Footwear Co.
W.E. Aubochon Inc.
W.W. Bartlett & Sons
Wachusett Area Coalition
Wachusett Corrugated Corp. 
Wachusett Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary 
Wachusett Molding Corp. 
Wachusett Mountain 
Wachusett Potato Chip Co.
Wachusett Valley (missing 2/2017)
Wain Roy Corp. (Hubbardston) 
Waite Hardware Co. 
Walberg & Auge 
Walden Book Store 
Walgreen Drug Co. 
O.S. Walker Co. 
Wallpaper Factory Outlet (Auburn) 
Walters Communications
Wanderlust Motor Homes 
War, Middle East 
War Mothers and Wives
War of 1812 
Ward Schools 
Ward, Precincts - see Election Districts 
Ware Pratt Co. 
Ware Savings Bank 
Warner-Lambert Co. - see American Optical 
Warner & Swasey Co. 
Warren & Bigelow Electric Co. 
Warren Belting Co. 
J. J. Warren Hatchery (North Brookfield) 
Warren Jewelers 
Warren Leather Goods Co. 
Warren Pumps 
Warren Shade Co. 
Wars - see Specific Names 
Washburn CO. 
Washburn-Garfield Co. 
Washburn Place (missing 2/2017)
Washington Club 
Washington Press of Worcester, Inc. 
Washington Square 
Waste Disposal - see Refuse & Refuse Disposal; Sewers and Sewage; 
Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement District 
Water Chromatography Div
Water Pollution 
Water Quality 
Water Skiing 
Water Street 
Water Supply - see also Reservoirs 
Water Supply (County) 
Waters Associates (Milford) - see Waters Chromatography Div. (Milford) 
Waters Equipment Co. (Marlboro) 
Waters Technology Corp.
Watson-Williams Manufacturing Co. (Millbury) 
Waucantuck Mills, Inc. (Uxbridge) 
WAVE, Inc. 
Weapons - see also Firearms 
Weather - see also Weather notebooks Worcester Room, 551.5 
Weather Station 
Weavers Guild of Worcester 
Webber Lumber & Supply Co. 
Webco Chemical Corp. (Dudley) 
Webster Hydroelectric Co.
Webster Lens Co. (Webster) 
Webster Square 
Webster Square Merchants Assn. 
Weetabix Co. (Clinton) formerly Van Brode Cereal Co. 
Weights and Measures, Sealer of 
Welcome Wagon Hostess
Wells Fargo 
Welfare Board - see Public Welfare 
George A. Wells Assn. 
J.S. Wesby & Sons, Inc. 
Wescor Parking Systems Corp. 
Wesley Ltd. 
West Boylston 
West Boylston - Old Stone Church 
West Brookfield 
West End Thread Co. (Uxbridge) 
West Side Pharmacy 
Westarknit Factory Retail Store (missing 2/2017)
Westborough State Hospital 
Westerman Store Equipment Inc.
Western Sealant of Mass. (Rutland) 
Western Union 
Westland Perpetual Trust, Inc. (missing 2/2017)
Weston Geophysical of Westboro 
Westwood Family Dental Center 
Weyerhouser Co. (Fitchburg) 
Whalom Park - see Lunenburg 
L.B. Wheaton, Inc. 
Wheelock Printing Co. 
White & Bagley Co. 
White City 
R.H. White Construction Co. 
R.H. White's 
Paul Whitin Corp.
Whitin Machine Works (Whitinsville) 
Whiting Milk Co. 
Whitinsville - see Northbridge 
George C. Whitney Manufacturing Co. 
Whitney Reed Co. (Leominster) 
M.J. Whittal Associates 
Whittemore Co.
Whitten Corp. 
Wholesale Stores 
Why Me Inc. 
Wian Club 
Wickwire Spencer Streel Co. 
Widoff's Modern Bakery 
Widows' and Widowers' Clubs 
George Wiegert Co. 
Wilbar's Shoe Store 
Wild West Shows
Wildmann Corp. (Gardner) 
Wiley & Whitney Corp. 
Wiley Bickford Sweet Corp. 
Willard House Clock Museum 
Williams & Bridges 
Henry Lee Willis Community Center 
Wilson Language Training
Winchendon Dress Co. 
Wind Power 
Windle Boat Co. (Millbury) 
Wine Consultants of Worcester 
S.G. Winer & Co. 
Wine Nation
Wire Industry 
Wirecraft Products, Inc. (West Brookfield) 
Wirefab, Inc. 
Wish Come True - see Child's Wish Come True 
Wishing Well Store 
Witchcraft - see Occult 
Wittenagmot Club 
Wolf Coach Co. 
Women Christian Temperance Union
Women - Equal Rights (missing 2/2017)
Women in Sales 
Women's Bookstore 
Women's Christian Temperance Union 
Women's Clubs - see also Worcester Woman's Club 
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom 
Women's Republican Club of Worcester County 
Wood Products 
Woodbury and Co. Inc.
Woodis Industrial Supply Corp. 
F. W. Woolworth Co. (missing 2/2017)
Worcester (in general) 
Worcester (other cities)
Worcester - Then and Now
Worcester - Year in Review 
Worcester Academy 
Worcester and Shrewsbury Railroad 
Worcester Animal Rescue League 
Worcester Aquarium Club 
Worcester Area Association for the Education of Young Children 
Worcester Area Association for Retarded Children 
Worcester Area Chamber of Commerce 
Worcester Area Committee for the United Nations 
Worcester Area Community Mental Health Center 
Worcester Area Cooperating Libraries 
Worcester Area Diabetic Association 
Worcester Area Drug Coalition
Worcester Area Mental Health Association 
Worcester Area New Car Dealers Association 
Worcester Area Pilots Association 
Worcester Area Systems for Affordable Health Care (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Area Private Industry Council
Worcester Artisans, Inc. 
Worcester Artists-Banx, A.I.
Worcester Artists-Manchester, E.
Worcester Automatic Machine Co. 
Worcester Aviation Corp. 
Worcester Awning Co. 
Worcester Baking Co. 
Worcester Bancorp, Inc. – see also  Worcester County National Bank 
Worcester Bedding Co. 
Worcester Board of Insurance Underwriting 
Worcester Board of Realtors 
Worcester Brigade Band
Worcester Braiding Co. 
Worcester Brush Co. 
Worcester Buick Co.
Worcester Building & Construction Trade Council 
Worcester Budget
Worcester Bus Co. 
Worcester Business and Professional Woman's Club 
Worcester Business Development Corp. 
Worcester Business Machines Inc. 
Worcester Center – see also CitySquare
Worcester Center Youth Council (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Central Corp. (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Clown Club 
Worcester Club 
Worcester Collection Bureau 
Worcester Commercial Travelers Assn. 
Worcester Committee for Education on Alcoholism 
Worcester Common Fashion Outlet - see Worcester Center 
Worcester Common Ground 
Worcester Community Concerts Assn. 
Worcester Community Council - see Community Services of Greater Worcester 
Worcester Community Development Corp. 
Worcester Community Housing Resource 
Worcester Community Loan Fund (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Community School of the Performing Arts - see Performing Arts School 
Worcester Community Television Council
Worcester Concert Choir
Worcester Connection 
Worcester Consortium for Higher Education 
Worcester Consumer Advisory Committee 
Worcester Consumer Insulation Club 
Worcester Continentals 
Worcester Controls Corp. 
Worcester Cooperation Council, Inc. 
Worcester Corrugated Box Co. (Webster) 
Worcester Cosmetologist Association
Worcester Council Against Discrimination 
Worcester Council for Children's Reading 
Worcester Council of Parents' Groups 
Worcester County Action Council (missing 2/2017)
Worcester County Advisory Board 
Worcester County Assessors Association
Worcester County Assn. For the Blind, Inc. 
Worcester County Assn. Of Credit Men 
Worcester County Assn. Of Television Technicians (missing 2/2017)
Worcester County Bar Assn. 
Worcester County Beano Operations Assn. 
Worcester County Beekeepers Assn. 
Worcester County Builders Assn. - see Builders Assn. Of Central Mass. 
Worcester County Clerk 
Worcester County Club of Printing House Craftsmen 
Worcester County Collectors and Treasurers Assn. 
Worcester County Convention and Visitors Bureau 
Worcester County Council on Alcoholism - see also Alcoholism (missing 2/2017)
Worcester County Druggists Assn. 
Worcester County Ecumenical Council 
Worcester County Educational Association
Worcester County Editors Council 
Worcester County Electric Co. 
Worcester County Electric League 
Worcester County Executive Assn. 
Worcester County Extension Service 
Worcester County Farm Bureau 
Worcester County Fish and Game Assn. 
Worcester County Food Bank
Worcester County Fraudulent Check Assn. 
Worcester County Harvest Club 
Worcester County Health Assn. - see also Tuberculosis 
Worcester County Hearing and Speech Center, Inc. - see also Deaf 
Worcester County Home Economics Assn. 
Worcester County Horticultural Society 
Worcester County Hospital 
Worcester County House of Correction - See County House of Correction 
Worcester County Indian Council 
Worcester County Institution for Savings 
Worcester County Jail - see County House of Correction 
Worcester County Literary Council & Literacy Volunteers Inc.
Worcester County Light Opera Club 
Worcester County Mathematics League 
Worcester County Mechanics Assns. 
Worcester County Metal Trades Assns. 
Worcester County Music Assn. 
Worcester County National Bank - see also Worcester Bancorp; Shawmut Worcester National Bank 
Worcester County Poetry Assn. 
Worcester County Power Squadron 
Worcester County Public Relations Assn. 
Worcester County Purchasing Agents Club (missing 2/2017)
Worcester County Rabbit Breeders Assn. 
Worcester County Real Estate Brokers Assn. 
Worcester County Refrigeration, Inc. 
Worcester County Republican Club
Worcester County Safety Officers Assn. 
Worcester County Scale Modelers Assn. 
Worcester County Selectmen's Assn. 
Worcester County Sheep Producers Assn. 
Worcester County Teachers Association
Worcester County Trails Committee 
Worcester County Training School 
Worcester County Trust Co. - see also Worcester County National Bank 
Worcester County Veterans Agents Association
Worcester County Veterinary Medical Assn. (missing 2/2017)
Worcester County Women's Republican Club (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Credit Bureau, Inc. 
Worcester (Cruiser) (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Die & Tool Co. 
Worcester Die Casting Co. 
Worcester Disasters
Worcester District Bureau of Economics, Inc. (missing 2/2017)
Worcester District Dental Society 
Worcester District Medical Bureau of Economics, Inc. 
Worcester District Medical Society 
Worcester District Nursing Society - see also Visiting Nurse Assn. Of Worcester 
Worcester Economic Club 
Worcester Employment Society, Inc. 
Worcester Energy Conservation Project 
Worcester Engineering & Machine Co. 
Worcester Engineering Society 
Worcester, England 
Worcester Engraving Co. 
Worcester Envelope Co. 
Worcester Episcopal Housing Corp.
Worcester Excursion Car Co. (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Executives Assn. 
Worcester Export Development Co. 
Worcester Fair Share (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Fights Back 
Worcester Film Corp. 
Worcester Fire Society
Worcester Firefighters Assn. 
Worcester Five Cents Savings Bank 
Worcester Forged Steel Valve Co., Inc. 
Worcester Forum for the Study of Values 
Worcester Forum Theater Ensemble 
Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology 
Worcester Foundry Co. 
Worcester Fresh Air Funds, Inc. 
Worcester Frogmen, Inc. 
Worcester Gas Light Co. 
Worcester Gear Co. 
Worcester Greater Downtown Youth Council 
Worcester Group, Inc. 
Worcester Headwear Co., Inc.
Worcester Health Arts Center 
Worcester Herb Club 
Worcester Heritage/Preservation Society 
Worcester Historical Museum 
Worcester Homing Pigeon Club 
Worcester Housing Authority 
Worcester Housing Development Corp. 
Worcester in Literature 
Worcester Inner Peace Movement 
Worcester Insurance  - see Worcester Mutual Fire Insurance Co.; Worcester Mutual Insurance Co; Insurance Companies 
Worcester Insurance Society 
Worcester Interfaith 
Worcester Inter Racial Council (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Junior College - see Central New England College 
Worcester Kiltie Band
Worcester Knitting Co. 
Worcester Labor Coop 
Worcester Labor Council
Worcester Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Worcester Life Underwriters Assn. 
Worcester Lunch Car Co. 
Worcester Magazine 
Worcester Manpower Consortium 
Worcester Manufacturing Co. 
Worcester Mechanics Savings Bank
Worcester Medical Supply, Inc. 
Worcester Market - see Brockleman Bros.; Mass. Registry of Motor Vehicles 
Worcester Men’s Resource Center
Worcester Metropolitan Area Council 
Worcester Milk Dealers Council 
Worcester Mineral Club 
Worcester Model Railroaders 
Worcester Model Yacht Club 
Worcester Motors, Inc. 
Worcester Moulded Plastics Co. 
Worcester Municipal Research Bureau 
Worcester Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 
Worcester Mutual Insurance Co. 
Worcester Natural History Society 
Worcester Oar & Paddle Co. 
Worcester Oxy-Acetylene Supply Co. (Auburn) 
Worcester Pastoral Counseling Center 
Worcester Pickle Co. 
Worcester Plaza 
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Washburn Shop 
Worcester Pressed Aluminum (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Pressed Steel Co. 
Worcester Property Owners Assn. (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Public Library - see Public Library
Worcester Quality Foods, Inc.
Worcester Redevelopment Authority 
Worcester Regional Retardation Center 
Worcester Regional Transit Authority 
Worcester Rubbish Removal Assn. 
Worcester Sales Executive Club 
Worcester Secure Treatment Unit - see Youth Detention Center 
Worcester (Ship) 
Worcester Shoe Co. 
Worcester Shut-In Society 
Worcester Social Project
Worcester Society of Painting Contractors 
Worcester Sound & Light Co. 
Worcester Squadron, Air Force Assn.  (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Stamp Co. 
Worcester Stamped Metal Co. 
Worcester State College 
Worcester State Hospital 
Worcester Stockbrokers Assn. 
Worcester Street Railway Co. 
Worcester Strokers
Worcester System for Affordable Health Care
Worcester Taper Pin Co. 
Worcester Tax Payers Assn. 
Worcester Telegram - see Telegram & Gazette 
Worcester Tenants Assn. - see Landlords & Tenants 
Worcester Tool & Stamping Co. 
Worcester Trade Exchange 
Worcester Traffic Assn. 
Worcester Typographic Service, Inc. 
Worcester Umbrella Manufacturing Co. 
Worcester Univercity Partnership
Worcester Valve Co. 
Worcester Vermont Assn. 
Worcester War Games Club 
Worcester Wholesale Produce Center 
Worcester Wine Club 
Worcester Woman's Club 
Worcester Women's History Project 
Worcester Women's Network 
Worcester Woolen Mills Corp. (missing 2/2017)
Worcester Woven Label Co. 
Worcester - Year in Review (missing 2/2017)
Work Systems Associates 
Workers Assistance Center 
Working Capital
Works Progress Administration - see W.P.A. 
World Federalists, U.S.A. 
World Politics Discussion Group 
World War I 
World War II 
WorldCom, Inc
Wright & Co., Inc. 
Wright Line, Div. Barry Wright Corp. 
Wright Machine CO., Inc. 
William E. Wright and Sons, Co. (Warren)
G.F. Wright Steel & Wire Co. 
Writer's Clubs 
Wyman Gordon Co. 

Xcellerex Inc
Xerox Corp.

Yankee Atomic Electric Co.
Yankee Division
Ye Old Timer's Mineral Club (missing 2/2017)
Yellow Day
Yellow Label Club
Yipes Communication
York’s Inc.
Yoshida Kogya Kabushiki Kaisha (YKK) (Marlboro)
You, Inc. - see Youth Opportunities Upheld
Young Adult Council
Young Businessman's Assn.
Young Men's Christian Assn. (YMCA)
Young Women's Christian Assn. (YWCA)
Your Place
Youth Advisory Council
Youth Centers
Youth Clubs
Youth Council
Youth Detention Center
Youth Detention Center Westboro
Youth Employment
Youth Guidance - see Diocese of - Youth Guidance
Youth Guidance Center
Youth Health Center
Youth Hostels (American)
Youth Opportunities Upheld (YOU, Inc.)
Youth Resources Bureau
Youth Service Board (missing 2/2017)

Zecco, Inc.
Zee Medical Service Inc.
Zero Tolerance Zones
Ziebart Rustproofing
S.N. Ziff Co.
Zoning (City)
Zoning (County)
Zoo - see also Science Museum
Zymark Co.